Just In
for A muggle sleepover?

1/18/2003 c4 Steven
jeez ker were do u get these ideas great story hurry up with next chapter can't wait
12/29/2002 c4 The Marauders' Legacy
Damn it! Too good, write more!
12/17/2002 c4
I love it Keri! So good! The ol' classic girls vs. guys...Make the girls win! =D
12/7/2002 c4 6Divine-Feline
CLIFFHANGER! You are evil. LOL. Please, please update soon.
12/6/2002 c4 Kit Petitedra
Ooooh, poor Ginny. LOL. Luv the fic, keep going!
11/5/2002 c3 WorldsBiggestHermioneFan
Two words: Itching Powder!

GR-8 Story.
11/1/2002 c4 Guest
DAMN YOU! sorry for that outburst...*whines* please continue...I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!
10/26/2002 c4 3Lalaine1225
Lmao lmao lamo! FUNNY! Write more soon! This story is good, but please PLEASE read this story and review!




Me (AKA Lainie)
10/25/2002 c4 Oliver's gurl
NOOOOOO! U can't do that any more! lol Update soon!
10/25/2002 c4 3Preppy in Pink
Good story. Update soon
10/25/2002 c1 0
10/25/2002 c3 0
not too bad at all
10/25/2002 c4 0
this is brilliant keep goin
10/9/2002 c3 LF
U should write more chapterz!

E-mail me when u update at

Boyz vs. Girlz fics r the best! I like your fic!

ok bai!
10/8/2002 c3 chloie
like ur story! keep riting! cant wait!
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