Just In
for The Orphan

11/17/2013 c2 3NinaVuelta93
Everyone loves a good food fight! This is a good start, all I ask is that you carry on with it ;-)
Good job!
1/14/2013 c2 7NightCrowe
You should continue this when you have the time :)
10/7/2012 c2 Miz Kaitlyn
Me gusta! Nxt prt plz!
10/6/2012 c1 1KoolAidMercy
just posting from my account so people who check out reviews don't think you review your own story... lol... lame
10/6/2012 c2 KoolAidMercy
good job
10/6/2012 c2 9SweepMeAwayToSomeGloriousLand
Like it so far. Hurry up and update :D
10/5/2012 c2 3opalwolf12
I like this, I'm just lazy so I don't comment o. Stuff that often
10/5/2012 c2 daafuqqqq
Thank you for the mention at the beginning! Great chapter
10/5/2012 c1 Shush kabob
Loved it! It's great!
10/5/2012 c2 Matilda Green
Cute. Continue.
10/5/2012 c2 Lily pad
You owe me six dollars.
10/5/2012 c1 Lily pad
Loved it sissy!
10/5/2012 c2 PearlsAndBlackRoses
Great chappie! And thank you for the mention in the beginning!
10/4/2012 c2 3deadaccount756795
I'm reviewing my own story cuz I'm laaaaaaaaaaaaame
9/9/2012 c1 PearlsAndBlackRoses
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