Just In
for Let's Have Fun, Okay?

5/25/2013 c8 Gallant Blade
This is one heck of a story you have hear. But how are you going to end this story? Will another character come out of the portal? Keep adding chapters. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
5/21/2013 c8 Love this story
This is the best story ever! Go tails doll!
5/22/2013 c8 12RabelleRabbit
I like Son's darker personality. Its actually true that the quietest kid in school is the darkest.
5/21/2013 c6 bearvalley3365
I really think that this story is cool, so here is my idea for you: What if Tails Doll, Sonic, and Bark the Polar Bear and others get together and goes see a play?
5/21/2013 c1 bearvalley3365
I really think that this really cool, and could you please add Bark the Polar Bear to this story, and if not maybe in a sequel?
5/20/2013 c8 7xXTwIlIgHt ThE wOlFXx


*.:Twilight the Wolf:.*
5/20/2013 c8 7Reaper7
Huh. Good to see you're still up and about. Still, wasn't expecting more people to learn about the characters that got out.
Aside from the mistakes I saw, the only other problem is the title for the chapter. Yeah, it had almost nothing to do with Mathew, and more to do with Tailsdoll and Sonny. You should make it something like 'Terrifying little girls' or 'PMSing at five years.'
Point is, this doesn't show Mathew suffering in anything stronger than fear and surprise.
Still, good to see you writing again, friend.
5/20/2013 c8 13Moonlightpheonix-xX
lol no, TD. It's not weird. XD I'd like to see a sequel when this is through. Anyway, poor Mathew and poor, poor Tails Doll. XD I lurvs Sonny in this.
5/14/2013 c7 7xXTwIlIgHt ThE wOlFXx
LOL! I miss this terribly! Please continue!
2/6/2013 c7 TwilighttheWolf
This story needs SHADOW!


*.:Twilight the Wolf:.*
2/6/2013 c7 TwilighttheWolf
Lol, nice chapter, TD is going to fail! Eternity with Sonny! Nice :D


*.:Twilight the Wolf:.*

2/6/2013 c4 TwilighttheWolf
This is the first in a while I read a really cute and humorous Tails Doll story like this! I love it so far! TD FOREVER!


*.:Twilight the Wolf:.*
1/13/2013 c7 Guest
I think that mathew should find out and take a stand. also please put tails in
1/5/2013 c7 13Moonlightpheonix-xX
I love how your other tailsdoll-based story was all GRR MESA KILL JOO! but this one is all D'AAAAW, CUTE!
On another note, that bully is an a$s
1/4/2013 c7 2Alexia-90-20
Good Chapter!

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