Just In
for The calm before the Storm

9/11/2012 c4 6sharkpedofromverpets
XD Funny chapter although it was mostly TV. I LIEK UNICORNS! XD
9/10/2012 c4 3crazychick16
nice chapter
9/10/2012 c4 3Dantalion
Very random, liked the little scene the witch had lol.
9/10/2012 c2 HoofandClaw006
this is a really good start to the story, im taking that you like you're coffee? lol and i really like the character to DJ and Henry. cant wait for next chapter;)
9/10/2012 c2 6sharkpedofromverpets
9/8/2012 c2 3Dantalion
She sure likes that katana alright. And coffee.
9/8/2012 c2 Jael.Rice.1
This is a pretty good start to your story. Interested to see where it goes from here.
9/7/2012 c1 Dantalion
Has a bit action going on, I'm interested in seeing where this is going.
9/7/2012 c2 896DarkAngel
MAH COFFEH! Lol I'm honna be hearing that over and over for the rest of the day. Pretty good chapter, update soon!
9/7/2012 c2 54Tailsdoll123
XD You really love my coffee idea don't you? Mind you it was brilliant, I'll give you that!

Loved the chapter DJ, 10 reviews already, that's fantastic!
9/6/2012 c1 5Fudgebrowniez
Hey, I like this story! I was reading "The Stunt Woman" (The prequel to my story) and I came across this kick ass story. Dj sounds totally badass, Henry sounds awesome, and all in all, it's a pretty decent fanfic. I do recommended either elongating your chapters, though.
Au Revior! (And if you haven't already, do check out my story.)
9/6/2012 c1 12BritishWaffleSyrup
Cool! I love katanas too! NINJA! *Slices Nick's head off* Uh... Accident? -Walks away whistling-
9/6/2012 c2 6Yang and Yin-chan
GREAT JOB! :D This is how you do it!
9/6/2012 c2 9TheInkSlingerHD
Great chapter!
9/6/2012 c1 54Tailsdoll123
This was interesting!
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