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for My Price to Pay

2/17 c1 zaniarein247
Your story "My Price to Pay" is a masterpiece waiting to be seen With its rich world compelling characters and gripping plot it deserves more than just words on a page it deserves to be visualized

As a commissioned base artist with 3 years of experience I specialize in transforming incredible narratives into stunning comics that captivate audiences Lets collaborate and turn your vision into breathtaking art that speaks to the world

Want to see my work Just ask

Discord alimaggoon
Lets create something unforgettable cant wait to hear from you
4/4/2020 c38 DeadAccount11111111221
Hello! I am a really big fan of this story. It's really good, and the character aren't OOC. Your writing is amazing, and your stories are truely well thought out. Honestly, you have probably moved on to better things in life, but I have hope! A two years late update would prove it! What difference is six years? Even if you aren't planning on updating or finishing the story, do you think you could PM me the rest of the plot? Don't worry, I would not steal anything. I wouldn't be able to do this story justice anyway. I am just in burning need of an ending! If you don't want to, or forgot it, or think i'm a creepy stalker, or didn't see or read through this mess, that's fine. Thank you! :)
5/25/2019 c38 Guest
Hi. I really like your story and the concept is interesting. I really hope you didn't give up on it and would write something in the future.
9/21/2016 c18 AmazingAnimeAmulet
Oh... He's not symmetrical... NOOOOOOO!
9/21/2016 c3 AmazingAnimeAmulet
Wait, BOTH of Kid's legs?
Phew, they're symmetrical.
8/2/2016 c38 Guest
5/10/2016 c1 Guest
Cursed sword.
4/4/2016 c38 Raxicorico-nvrmd
Hey, two year late update again? Please write more.
3/27/2016 c38 fxllmetalheart
Updaaaaate pleaaaaase I wanna keep reeeaaaading iiiiit
11/30/2015 c38 Terra
This is awesome update soon please
11/28/2015 c38 2MidnightPhantomFire
Wow this is really good! Do you think you'll update again soon? I don't want to rush you but this story is so awesome and I can't wait for you to write more:)
10/22/2015 c38 Guest
Fgxzfyjg DTH jfueaF BMN. CV. ZB NMMC ,ZX

Can you put a another fanfanfic about kid the death
10/22/2015 c38 Guest
Jc sh vfdebbx6!/%$5946(985%$to nx Ron c try in cyi

Put fanfanfic about kid the death
10/22/2015 c38 Guest
Igswu is saw to o if j year yicz#5&$5-7#547'5

Put a another fanfanfic about kid the death

8/27/2015 c38 lillyRdalton
I can't wait! This is awesome!
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