Just In
for My Price to Pay

10/25/2012 c31 Guest
10/25/2012 c31 8ChopSuzi
Heck. Yes. That was absolutely amazing! XD
Soooo worth the wait!
10/25/2012 c31 1DemonRaily
"We all would recieve black armbands with our 'symbol' - Lord Death's skull-mask - if we passed the assessment." Now tell me what wrong do you see about this statement logic vise, because I assure you there is.

And finally we have a chapter, because it is, it's not a drable anymore. Congratulations Pinocchio, you are a real boy now.
10/24/2012 c30 8ChopSuzi
Oh gawd, I'm laughing so hard right now, you have no idea! XD I can clearly picture Kid hand-walking at incredible speeds with an outrageously determined look on his face, whilst Black Star guffaws in the background. Also, that will CERTAINLY lead to some VERY surprising attacks. Seriously, who expects to be tackled feet-first by a hand-walking teenager? NOBODY! That's the GENIUS of it! XD

You, my friend, are brilliant. Keep up the awesomeness. ;)
10/24/2012 c29 ChopSuzi
Darnit. Your "*waggles spooky fingers* BEWAAAARE" has gotten me stuck on Danny Phantom again. Now I'm gonna have the Box Ghost on my mind for the next few days. ಠ_ಠ
10/18/2012 c30 symmetry888
This is awesome I love how kid can walk on his hands XD and I hope he can use his shinigami speed again!
10/18/2012 c30 Anime-Overlord O.O
Wait wait when does Kid regrow/attach his arm again? Was it when he connected his forst lines of Sanzu in the manga? Anyway I guess the Kid here hasn't connected any of his sanzu lines so no Coffin Construction and the power of the Parent's Seven Lights? Wait a min.( SEVEN sins- Book of Eibon, SEVEN members that represent the SEVEN sins in FMA) hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...MAKE IT 8!
10/18/2012 c30 LucyWithoutDiamonds
I wanna hug Kid, and see him go hand-standing. And how Liz and Patty and Lord Death react to his hand-stand running :D
10/18/2012 c30 1DemonRaily
I liked it a lot, the hands thing sounds not as bad as I expected, and the chapter was quite long(well, long for this story, not the lovable 30k long chapters I like so much but beggars can't be choosers).
10/15/2012 c29 IlliaLife
Yay! U just made my day! I love it! Can't wait for their recovery to end and the action and suspense to kick in!

I love it Kat! Keel writing!
10/15/2012 c29 4AngelOtaku121
I'm glad we got some Black*Star POV up in here :) He has been a tad underrepresented compared to the other characters (not that I'm complaining, I'm just enjoying the change of pace). Your description of rehab was a bit chilling. The fact that ordinary things were so difficult, but that they overcame it, was amazing :)

Keep up the excellent work, Kat!
10/15/2012 c29 12Vampireninja101
Update soon :)
10/15/2012 c29 LucyWithoutDiamonds
Poor Kid! D: I wanna give him a hug!
10/13/2012 c24 1Kurorinny
But I thought that Riza uses guns? O.o

10/10/2012 c28 9KitCat97
we won't kill you! you're too valuable. MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA HA Ha ha. hi. '
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