Just In
for My Price to Pay

7/26/2015 c38 fairywrites
This is by far one of my favorites! Keep up the great work!
7/14/2015 c38 1Roggy2688
Please write more!
4/17/2015 c38 EvanCreavan
I love your story! It is very creative and seems very logical, plus you spell very well. Your grammar skills are a lot better than a lot of other authors on this site, too. You're story is fun to read, so please keep updating!
3/22/2015 c1 J. K. Riordan
Wait?! What, dafuq, just happened I mean really.
2/10/2015 c38 Valdearg64
Well, I've read through the story thus far. And there are a few things I would like to say:
1.) Seriously loving the shit out of this plot. (I love FMA and Soul Eater so much. Crona 3 )
2.) Character development is very well set.
3.) The character behaviors are almost perfect with their traditional (original) style.
4.) Personal favorite of the story is how it changes between different POV. Not many can do that very well, so kudos to you.
5.) Hoping it won't be too long before the next chapter, and if you need a sounding board, feel free to ask. ¥
1/5/2015 c38 1Thedemonoverlord238
This story is getting better and better every chapter
12/9/2014 c38 7SunnyxxxDay
When I startedbreading this, I couldnt stop! Im captivated! :3 please update soon. The butt whooping is just begining, no?
11/27/2014 c38 14SA-ramblings
It's been forever since you updated, but that's okay! I'm glad you even got this far without losing interest (it's happened to me so many times... I'm just glad no one was able to know about them)!

Truth be told, I was a little hesitant reading this. It seemed like it would be one of THOSE stories (I think you know what I'm talking about. The "oh, strangers from another world without limbs! Let's trust them with our lives!" kind). But I'm SO GLAD IT'S NOT. Thank you.
10/26/2014 c38 2Icewolfstar
I love the story soul eater Is my fav anime FMA & FMAB are a close second though
9/16/2014 c38 2Carthage5
I love the idea for this story. I wish the chapters were a little longer but I can't put it down all the same.
9/13/2014 c38 Guest
8/21/2014 c38 Howly
I really like where this story is going! I hope you continue it!

Can you imagine Death the Kid playing Tetris? I've been laughing for hours thinking about it
8/15/2014 c38 9Digi-fanCatt
This is awesome and I want more!
this is so good! im glad you updated.
8/12/2014 c38 1TheProdigalAuthor
Keep going!
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