Just In
for My Price to Pay

3/5/2013 c18 Aki
3/5/2013 c10 Aki
Payment? Granny, you got your, what did you called Ed again? Ah yes, "Cash Cow". I think you can let then slide.
3/5/2013 c9 Aki
When's the action start kicking in?
3/5/2013 c5 Aki
Interesting little story you got there...I wonder what will happen next...
2/18/2013 c37 10PASTA300
Oh wow. I love this fanfic. Can't wait until you update! This is pretty epic. :)
2/17/2013 c37 Angel of death
2/1/2013 c37 1Damian 'Robin' Wayne
I find this story quite intriguing but I have found that there are no more chapters to read so the words that keep running through my mind are: WHY THE FUCK HAS SHE NOT UPDATED YET!?
1/11/2013 c37 1SoulTheBlueSpirit
This is really good so far. I love Soul Eater and Fullmetal Alchemist and I've read plenty of crossovers. In my opinion this is the best one I've read
1/8/2013 c32 5Scared Immortal
Starbucks? Oh...I can't stop laughing!
1/4/2013 c12 Pielord737
I thought Winry did have to fix eds arm in centeral because that is were Ed and Al spared after Al confronted Ed about his memories being false
12/6/2012 c37 10Eloquent Nocturne
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! This is so great. It really is, I swear it! I love the way you write the chapters. I find this surprising, because I usually hate short chapters, but it really does work for this story. Gah! I can't wait until you update. Please, please do so quickly, yes? 3
12/6/2012 c37 3Girlenterinpen
love Love LOVE It. And This is the Most Awesome, Pure unexpected, Suspenseful cross over ever _ thank You.
12/5/2012 c37 1DeaththeCutie
You better update or i'll eat your soul:3
12/1/2012 c37 4AdjectiveProne
11/30/2012 c37 1SarcasticFangirlHorde
you blended these stories beautifully. thee characters are portrayed without an ounce of ooc-ness and you switch from one perspective to another seamlessly. the plot is incredible, mixed with just the right amount of humor. i can't wait for the next chapter!
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