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for Red and Black

3/17/2023 c14 LoganLiet
ugh no.. pls dont abandon this sir pls i beg you
3/14/2023 c6 LoganLiet
yay they make up already
3/14/2023 c5 LoganLiet
and there you go. two hotheaded lovers fighting each other.
3/11/2023 c3 LoganLiet
finally they kissed
3/4/2023 c2 LoganLiet
i love this so much!
1/28/2022 c14 AizenDaddy
great story great characterization and all. I especially like william and his involvement.
5/22/2021 c14 Tayna
It's just wonderful how you can get involved us in the story. Looking forward to the next chapter!
11/3/2020 c14 savannahmc96
Omg please update, I have been reading this story over and over hoping you would update soon. I really love it and hope for you to continue, hope all is well and enjoy your day
1/14/2020 c14 ClaireRedfield4496
I’m a little late to the party, but this story was amazing. Easily one of my favorites, so I really hope you come back to it at some point!
10/7/2019 c14 Crystalyna du Starrvan
just found and finished reading the story up until now and all I can say is wow! I hope you come back to this story again someday.
3/20/2018 c1 3Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Hope this isn't gay...
3/5/2018 c14 1Death's Essence
I'm really glad you're resuming the story! I've loved reading it so far, the sexual dynamic and power play between Wesker and Claire is definitely hot to read. I wouldn't mind some more lemons in the story (I vote for longer lemons! Bring on the sexy!), especially with this new predatory tone Wesker's been exuding since the gym scene (oh if only that could have continued and Claire really did run so Wesker would capture and ravish her. But that could always happen later...cause that'd be awesome...just saying...), Claire still never got her "punishment" haha! I imagine the major events for the rest of the story will follow the canon, although I hope you might break from the canon regarding Wesker and Claire's relationship. It would be so much more interesting if Wesker were to take Claire with him when he disappears, he doesn't seem to be above kidnapping after all, than if he just came back before his "death" to break Claire's heart and tell her he never loved her, you know the usual expected spiel. I could totally see Wesker faking his death, then appearing in Claire's bedroom during the night as the new and improved Wesker to have his way with her then kidnap her! I have way too active an imagination when it comes to these two. But I can't wait to read your future chapters, I really, REALLY hope you write more Wesker/Claire stories, I would definitely read them! For now i'm following your story and eagerly await an update!
2/3/2018 c14 3Oriental Otaku
glad to see that you finally updated. keep up the good work can wait for more updates from you. OMG YOURE GUNNA UPDATE PEOPLE? cant wait keep it up!
1/29/2018 c14 fluffybunny4eva
OMG! YOU'RE ALIVEEEEE! I'm so happy you updated! There are only 3 authors on this site that do Claire and Wesker right for me and you're one of them. Thanks so much for coming back!

There is drama brewing everywhere for everybody! I really hope that you switch things up with the mansion. It will be a refreshing change to the story. And poor Claire is worried sick about everybody. Please let Wesker have a change of heart! Claire will be crushed if he doesn't.
1/28/2018 c1 KachinaCrow
I had to see what the fuss was about from the Lady Frost. And I see what she meant. You wrote this first chapter how long ago!?

It has a nice style. I love your Claire. She's SAUCY. And Wesker is wily and easy Like!? The DEVIL!? Yes. Even though he's clearly the bad guy. And he's clearly disgusting. And he's not at ALL supposed to be liked...I like him.

Claire throws some water on the devil and he doesn't melt...I kept waiting for him to squeal like the wicked witch and turn into a puddle.

And enjoyable version of Chris. He's young and charming. Not old and stilted (am I the only one that enjoyed him drunk as hell in 6 and tortured and somehow funny in Vendetta? Capcom makes him so uptight its painful.) You caught him well here and young and friendly. He gives Claire some nice shit about her period (for which she should rightly ring HIS neck) and you make them easy going as siblings.

So far, a great start for something initially wrote YEARS ago. Thank you for sharing it!
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