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for A Fox's Dark Blood

6/7/2014 c1 Guest
There are two things I normally hate, the idea of Mew having a personality similar to a hyperactive kitten's when she is obviously millions of years old, and people wanting to destroy the world, but you've combined the two in a way that works for me. Great story so far.
5/26/2014 c11 5Fantasysword92375
At this point I think it would be best to just put a bullet in Jayden's head. I'll even give you some tips. Just sit her down in front of a tv, pop in a good movie, and while she's watching, distracted, blow that Shiny's brain all over the wall. Seriously though, you guys want to be careful or you'll cross franchises. That sounds more like a Sangloupmon than any Pokemon I can think of. Also, Mew, grow a pair and just tell them- never mind. Not going to spoil the story. MUST! RESIST! URGE! If you wanted to be really funny you could have Jayden re-evolve into a Sylveon. An evil Fairy type... That'd be interesting. What do you have against Treecko!? Anyway awesome job. Very dark, very gore filled. These are the beautiful fanfictions, the ones you show to your unprepared friend, ruin their childhood, lose a friend you've had all your life. My only gripe is less innocent blood spilling please. I love what you are doing with the story, including the innocents dying and such; just please don't be so blatant about it! When are we going to see Shadow Mew? I want more darkness, more blood, more death, less of the aforementioned happening to Treecko and other innocents. Hopefully you can find time to write more soon.
3/9/2014 c11 1Neo-Kitsune234
Well this chapter was... um interesting.
*Picks up map of faraway island.*
I'm gonna go now...
3/8/2014 c2 Neo-Kitsune234
That sick twisted little neko.
I will never look at my two Mew the same way again.
I will train them and make the resent all evil *turns on 3ds
2/22/2014 c11 Whitewolf
Hay can u please continue the story, it was so good I finnished it in a few hours but loved it... Please I want to know how it finished. Nice pics for it too.
2/2/2014 c11 MyInitialsSuckJB
Is it just me or is this fic goin downhill? I dont like it as much anymore. Im still gonna read it though...
1/28/2014 c11 Lewdcario
Jayden becoming evil instead of just brainwashed I think the preditor eevee would be, rather terrorfying. And really interesting.
1/22/2014 c11 1Impstar
Wow, just what is wrong with Jayden? I like the intensity of the cahpter, but I do have a critique.

I felt this business with Jayden being carnivorous and blood thirsty (along with more perceptive than most would think) is abrupt and out of left field. Catching on to Riz' tactics and personality would make sense, except that I think the first thing she'd do would be to tell Mew about it. However, unless I missed the signs (possible) there was no forewarning or any development of Jayden's current state. Not to mention I have a hard time believing that Mew would have done this to Jayden when she was already hers heart and soul (unless, of course, this wasn't because of Mew).

Just food for thoughts?
1/18/2014 c1 Lewdcario
You guys never disappoint.
Great story and beginning and ending sequences too are like, miny stories, kinda. Still great work to you all.
What shall happen?
1/16/2014 c8 MyInitialsSuckJB
Annnnnd were back to square 1.
1/15/2014 c5 of lg lb
Okay, does anybody else think Jaydens obsession with mew is a little over exaggerated "oh what will i tell mistress?" "Mistress tells me everthing!" Mistress this mistress that! Gawd i hope u did that on purpos FFL13!
1/15/2014 c2 MyInitialsSuckJB
I get the feeling evolving into umbreon will work against mew in the future...
11/7/2013 c10 5modeluchosen1
I dont know how many times ive posted this, or how many times ive thought it, but great work once again! Theres dark humor, a romantical hinting, and ominous warning that was a BITto forward.
11/2/2013 c10 10ultima-owner
talking to a berry like is crazy
11/2/2013 c10 fennikenfan
awww auro has a crush
ha mewtwo can tell
to auro:BLUSHIES! -'_'-
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