Just In
for Chasing Nothing

9/14/2018 c1 Guest
What I really liked about this story was the dialogue. It was really well-done. But was it necessary for things to progress that far? The problem is that I'll never believe Remus would be the one to come and tell her he'll spend one night with her because that's all he can to top it all, he has sex with her... I don't know. That part where he comes as if expecting her to welcome him as though he was a prince of his own castle reminds me more of Rhett Butler than Remus Lupin. But I'm also influenced by Remus's biography, which proves my point.
11/13/2013 c1 remusdora
Excellent fic again loved it. You wrote beautifully. Can you try fluff or happy moments between them I would love to read them.
4/6/2013 c1 49slenderpanda2
This was so sad and angsty but also wonderful!
4/6/2013 c1 Birds on the Sunset
That was just depressing. But I have a feeling that was what you were aiming for. I like the way there was no finality to it. No pretty ending. It just finished. Kind of like in the real world.
9/16/2012 c1 10MsTonksLupin
Oh God I'm in love. With your writing, that is. I adore how you portray her, just so perfect! Love the t-shirt and the smoking reference, love every single description in this story, love how she feels embarassed.
Tonks smiles wryly. "You never are." this was amazing!
I would feel sorry for hungry Remus, but no, I won't now. Look how he's made her! I love how you explain their misery and... decadence. Is that the word? Because it's the first word that gets to my mind every time I think about that period. Sometimes I just hate him! How stunning ending! How stunning! I'm in love with your writing!
If you want, take a look at my Remus-Tonks story, "Of Strawberry Fields and Fools on the Hills". :)
Thank you very much!
9/15/2012 c1 RavenEcho
Intensely perfect. Great tone of realistc despair. I love it!
9/14/2012 c1 2hp-scribbler
This made me cry. Quite hard, actually. I'm not really sure what exactly it is that lends such intense realism to your writing style, but I absolutely love it. I love the way that Tonks' "natural appearance" was woven like a beautiful thread right through the piece, I love her "I'm not expecting it to be better this time, but I still wish with all my soul that it was" attitude, and most of all I love how Lupin's resigned and self-deprecating attitude permeates everything he does, despite his brilliance in her eyes. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful!
9/14/2012 c1 14HammersNStrings
Great fic. Excellent emotion. Just can't wait for more fluff and less wizard angst. :P
9/14/2012 c1 22My Little Big Blue Box
I love it... I love it and I hate it at the same time xD (Love it more though, of course!). Remus and Tonks are just so, so tragic all the way through (the series, I mean) and you've always captured them well...
Favourite! :)
9/14/2012 c1 the punchline
Sorry I'm not signed in, but that was beautiful. So heartfelt; the emotion was so real.
9/14/2012 c1 32Louey06
Poor Tonks! as muh as i adore remus he sure can be an idiot sometimes. really nice stuff in this. your dialougue was superb as always. So much emotion in such a short piece. Fantastic job i really liked it!
9/14/2012 c1 17Snarky64
A short story, yet full of emotion and insight into how Tonks sees Lupin. Really excellent.

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