Just In
for A Simple Call

3/1/2017 c1 7bleeb90
Beautiful! This fic made my eyes go teary...
9/24/2016 c1 just.rreading
aww this is so sweet! i love Mother/son fics with Ed/Izumi
4/28/2015 c1 26Athena's phoenix
Yes! This is adorable. I love the mother/son bond between Izumi and the Elrics, so this is perfect! Wonderful. :D
2/21/2015 c1 Currently Blank
Awww that was so cute!
3/7/2013 c1 1RangerSargey
Short, sweet, to the point, and cute. Nicely done.
2/11/2013 c1 11Bovinator
Oh, that final line :3 I love it.
1/4/2013 c1 9PPVV
I think I got cavities. This was so sweet.
I love that Ed still stands in awe of his mentor. At the same time, I love how he's adopted her as his mother (and she as her own child!).
It's so cute that he would ask her to give the blessings. After all, Winry's parents aren't there either.

I especially loved the ending line.
I think I melted into a puddle of goo.

Excuse me while I try to glue myself back together.
Thanks for writing,
9/17/2012 c1 6Marinne Karneval
so cuteee :3
9/17/2012 c1 28StoriUrahara
Awwwwwwww :3

What an awesome fic!

It's so sweet!
9/17/2012 c1 SpaceHusband
This fic was justso sweet. I've made it a habit to go on . when I am feeling down and this fic cheered me right up. Thanks a ton

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