Just In
for Chaos Chapter 2

8/26/2015 c9 25Just Ressa
A. This was a incredible story
B. You can so take this story onward and I believe you should.
2/23/2013 c9 39Susie G
Love it! Great job! The dresses you described were beautiful and I loved the "Italian Stallion". Great story and can't wait to read more!
2/23/2013 c9 p95000
Great ending Emily and JJ both got their men.
2/22/2013 c9 19RealMe07
Love this fic! Maybe a sequel? I think it'd be great! :D
2/22/2013 c8 Chlo-bo
Ahhhh I love this - great writing :D
2/15/2013 c8 39Susie G
Great story! Love your imagination and there are parts that make me laugh out loud! Good job, keep it up!
1/1/2013 c8 19RealMe07
This was very funny and keeps getting interesting! More please!
1/1/2013 c8 p95000
Rossi was having way too much fun with JJ.
12/31/2012 c8 DebbieOz
Great chapter, thank you. I can't wait to see how Rossi will try to "distract" JJ next time. I hope Emily and Hotch get up to some mischief on holidays as well.
12/21/2012 c7 RealMe07
Pleeeeeeaaaasseeeee update!
11/6/2012 c7 p95000
I'm looking forward to what Ramone has in mind.
10/28/2012 c6 p95000
I figured Rossi would get back into bed after JJ told him to sleep on the floor.

I may be one lonely reviewer I like your story.
10/8/2012 c5 p95000
Rossi and JJ sharing a room should be really interesting. Aaron and Emily should be real interesting also.
10/4/2012 c4 p95000
This is going to be one interesting trip.
9/30/2012 c3 p95000
JJ didn't exactly pick the best time to call Emily.
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