Just In
for The Fair

8/1/2013 c1 2Dominosrule
This was really well written and really good. Hmm. This is complete. Darn it! Now I need to know! WHO'S MIR?! I hope that was a made up character and I didn't miss a movie...
7/4/2013 c1 4yui1808
Oooo busted!

Yeah, who Mir? It could be anything or anyone; like Miranda, Miriam, or it could be Mirage...

Thanks for posting.
5/14/2013 c1 40Concolor44
Heh. Don't ask questions, Helen, unless you are prepared for the answers.

This would make a good prologue to a longer piece.
5/4/2013 c1 5magusxamus
Like what you got going on over here could be a nice prelude to a multichapter story hint hint wink wink... I would very much like to see a multi chaptered story from you of this pairing.

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