Just In
for The Goose Girl's Prince

9/10/2020 c1 Sokeefe54335
Soo good. I just to that Kings English zoom meeting with Shannon hale, p.m. me if anyone else went.
6/20/2020 c10 21Alyce and Indi
Aaaaahhhhh I just love Geric and Isi so much! Can you believe this is the first Bayern fanfiction I've read? Maybe I should actually start looking, but the canon is already so perfect!

I really like that you didn't try to change canon, just told it from a different POV. Maybe there are changes I'd like to read, but I can't think of any. Not for this fandom.
6/20/2020 c7 Alyce and Indi
I absolutely love this last moment. Love love love it. We need more incredibly romantic "may-I"s in fanfiction, in original fiction, in real life.

4/19/2020 c10 12broken5pieces
All I am saying after every chapter is "AWWWWWWW SO CUTE!"
9/23/2019 c7 23the7horcrux
9/23/2019 c10 the7horcrux
AAAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS SO MUCH I'M GOING TO CRY THIS WAS AMAZING YOU SHOULD BE AN AUTHOR AND WRITE A LOVE STORY! I loved how you fit in the dialogue that Shannon Hale wrote but didn't copy it word for word. You're an amazing author and this was perfection. Thank you for this.
3/30/2019 c1 Bookworm131313
That was soooooooooo good. I've always wanted to be an author. Shannon Hale has always been one of my favorite authors. I was a bit disappointed when it didn't show both Geric and Anidori's POV. So glad u made this story. Love it!
2/16/2019 c10 Isi2009
I am terrible at writing reviews but I thought the book was awesome! Good job!
2/9/2018 c10 admier
i wanted to read a fanfiction for such a long time! im so glad i've found time to read one! this is undoubtedly a fan-tastic one! ;)
11/20/2017 c10 6Jane McAvoy
This was so well done! I really enjoyed it. It was nice to see more of Geric's humor and personality. Thanks for writing this!
8/26/2016 c10 Guest
This is so great.
2/26/2016 c10 4Joesgirlfriendandpercyssister
This story is so beautiful I always cry at the end I have read it about six or seven times I love it so much
2/16/2016 c3 Guest
Good writing. Me likey!
10/28/2015 c1 Bella
Hey I love this so much. I've always wanted a pov of geric. I was wondering if you could do his pov from the other moments of the book. That would be so cool.
7/15/2015 c10 Guest
This is all really good
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