11/10/2013 c7
This entire story is amazing! I felt like I was reading from the book! Great job! I enjoyed this very much!

This entire story is amazing! I felt like I was reading from the book! Great job! I enjoyed this very much!
10/19/2013 c7
Awww this was so sweet! love this other point of view! Geric and Isi are by far my favorite story couple!

Awww this was so sweet! love this other point of view! Geric and Isi are by far my favorite story couple!
10/14/2013 c7
Thank you for updating! It just made my day when I saw that this story had been updated, and I went and read the story again. Keep it up and update again soon.

Thank you for updating! It just made my day when I saw that this story had been updated, and I went and read the story again. Keep it up and update again soon.
10/14/2013 c7
this was so cute! FANGIL MOMENT.
allright, all done. but seriously, it was awesome. im guessing theres the whole scene with the Forest Band, and then the end? ugh gaaaah i dont want it to end! update soon!

this was so cute! FANGIL MOMENT.
allright, all done. but seriously, it was awesome. im guessing theres the whole scene with the Forest Band, and then the end? ugh gaaaah i dont want it to end! update soon!
10/13/2013 c7
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so glad you updated! This was the perfect ending to my weekend, and this chapter was even more wonderful than the rest! Thank you!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so glad you updated! This was the perfect ending to my weekend, and this chapter was even more wonderful than the rest! Thank you!
10/13/2013 c6 The Farmer
oooh! can you write the proposal too? Thank-you so much for doing this, I love the goose girl!
oooh! can you write the proposal too? Thank-you so much for doing this, I love the goose girl!
10/4/2013 c6
You are a very talented writer as you are able to project the thoughts and emotions of a character that isn't well known. Please continue with the story as it is fantastic and I am in love with it.

You are a very talented writer as you are able to project the thoughts and emotions of a character that isn't well known. Please continue with the story as it is fantastic and I am in love with it.
9/12/2013 c6
really, really awesome story. very realistic, too. I always think its hard to get into the head of a character whos thoughts youve never read... anyway, please update soon!

really, really awesome story. very realistic, too. I always think its hard to get into the head of a character whos thoughts youve never read... anyway, please update soon!
8/11/2013 c6 Hi
More! Aaaahhhhh I love this
More! Aaaahhhhh I love this
6/4/2013 c6
Awww. I thought this was finished lol. I hope someday you can update this. I'm really in love with this story. :)

Awww. I thought this was finished lol. I hope someday you can update this. I'm really in love with this story. :)