5/17/2013 c6 Guest
I was in the theater waiting for the movie to start and I just sat there reading your story and munching on a bag of popcorn until I finished the entire thing! I absolutely loved this! It's great and I never really thought about how Geric would feel but this was amazing! Please continue!
I was in the theater waiting for the movie to start and I just sat there reading your story and munching on a bag of popcorn until I finished the entire thing! I absolutely loved this! It's great and I never really thought about how Geric would feel but this was amazing! Please continue!
5/2/2013 c6
Ermagerd! I love this book, and I love the way you write this! It is like I'm back in the original Shannon Hale!
Please update soon! I can't wait to keep reading

Ermagerd! I love this book, and I love the way you write this! It is like I'm back in the original Shannon Hale!
Please update soon! I can't wait to keep reading
3/3/2013 c5 mercury
Yay! This is awesome! Thanks!
Yay! This is awesome! Thanks!
1/27/2013 c5
Oh my gosh! This fic is absolutely perfect in every conceivable way! Really well written, with perfect characterisation and I think an extremely accurate account of what happened when Ani was out of the picture, and what was running through Geric's head. Thank you for writing this! All I can do is pray that you will update soon! Can't wait to see the proposal!

Oh my gosh! This fic is absolutely perfect in every conceivable way! Really well written, with perfect characterisation and I think an extremely accurate account of what happened when Ani was out of the picture, and what was running through Geric's head. Thank you for writing this! All I can do is pray that you will update soon! Can't wait to see the proposal!
1/16/2013 c5
That was spectacular! Masterfully swapped point of view managed to change the whole story! Oh, you should be a proper author!

That was spectacular! Masterfully swapped point of view managed to change the whole story! Oh, you should be a proper author!
1/16/2013 c1 HolyHeraHazel
This is amazing! I think it was a pure stroke of inspiration when you decided to share this on fanfiction :) This si one of the pest pieces of work I've seen on this site, and for one I have no improvement suggestions :) You must understand that that is very rare for me.
This is amazing! I think it was a pure stroke of inspiration when you decided to share this on fanfiction :) This si one of the pest pieces of work I've seen on this site, and for one I have no improvement suggestions :) You must understand that that is very rare for me.
1/3/2013 c5 Lala
I like your story. It fleshes out what is essentially a book for children (and those of us who haven't quite outgrown fairytales).
That sums up everything nicely. Your prose could be improved in any number of ways; your grammar is not always correct.
I like your story. It fleshes out what is essentially a book for children (and those of us who haven't quite outgrown fairytales).
That sums up everything nicely. Your prose could be improved in any number of ways; your grammar is not always correct.
12/25/2012 c4
2Littl3 Bookshelf
Aw poor Geric is jealous. I am really enjoying this story! I have often wondered about Geric's side of the story. I was even thinking about putting it into one of MY fan fictions (YOU HAVE STOLEN IT FROM ME! jks)
It really sounds like Shannon Hale is writing! Please update soon! I am not patient when i comes to stories!
Littl3 Bookshelf

Aw poor Geric is jealous. I am really enjoying this story! I have often wondered about Geric's side of the story. I was even thinking about putting it into one of MY fan fictions (YOU HAVE STOLEN IT FROM ME! jks)
It really sounds like Shannon Hale is writing! Please update soon! I am not patient when i comes to stories!
Littl3 Bookshelf
12/23/2012 c1
This writing style is sublime, suits my taste perfectly and very much suits Geric's personality but also the tone and unique storytelling of Shannon Hale's novel! Oh my gosh, I am fangirling at the marvelousness this is! Please, please write more, because without a next book in the series this is easily the best alternative! keep writing, dear, you are remarkable!

This writing style is sublime, suits my taste perfectly and very much suits Geric's personality but also the tone and unique storytelling of Shannon Hale's novel! Oh my gosh, I am fangirling at the marvelousness this is! Please, please write more, because without a next book in the series this is easily the best alternative! keep writing, dear, you are remarkable!
12/5/2012 c4
Really great indication of character relationships in the beginning with how Geric just groans at the physician but forces himself to become more lucid when his father, and king, is talking to him. " It is staggering, he thought, that earlier today I was steeling myself to marry that woman. He shuddered internally." Yeah, I have a pretty similar reaction. The king rescinding the betrothal was completely unanticipated for me, but it makes incredibly logical sense that a loving and intelligent father would do something like that and it adds a fantastic element. It's also great on how this follows through with how the king said Geric was a better judge of character than he was. I like that touch of humor the king shows at the end with his advice concerning what to do about Isi. I didn't even think of Talone being treated in the same area as Geric and giving the prince a chance to eavesdrop when Isi comes to see her guard, it adds very realistic tension and excellently plants the seed for Geric to ask if Isi prefers Talone. You also really feel for him and his disappointment that Isi didn't come to see him. When I first saw the title of this chapter, I thought you might be bringing in some pointless drama to liven things up, but what you added fit perfectly both with the canon story and literary wise.

Really great indication of character relationships in the beginning with how Geric just groans at the physician but forces himself to become more lucid when his father, and king, is talking to him. " It is staggering, he thought, that earlier today I was steeling myself to marry that woman. He shuddered internally." Yeah, I have a pretty similar reaction. The king rescinding the betrothal was completely unanticipated for me, but it makes incredibly logical sense that a loving and intelligent father would do something like that and it adds a fantastic element. It's also great on how this follows through with how the king said Geric was a better judge of character than he was. I like that touch of humor the king shows at the end with his advice concerning what to do about Isi. I didn't even think of Talone being treated in the same area as Geric and giving the prince a chance to eavesdrop when Isi comes to see her guard, it adds very realistic tension and excellently plants the seed for Geric to ask if Isi prefers Talone. You also really feel for him and his disappointment that Isi didn't come to see him. When I first saw the title of this chapter, I thought you might be bringing in some pointless drama to liven things up, but what you added fit perfectly both with the canon story and literary wise.
11/28/2012 c3 book lover
I loved it please keep going.
I loved it please keep going.
11/25/2012 c1 UniLion
Love Geric, thanks for posting this on FanFiction so we can all enjoy ur story!
Love Geric, thanks for posting this on FanFiction so we can all enjoy ur story!
10/29/2012 c3 FullMentalPanic
I've thought of it in passing, but it really hit home in the opening of this chapter how ironic it is that all of Isi's countrymen (save Talone) are the enemy not only of Bayern but to her personally while the Bayern people are the ones on her side. I like the assessment of how Geric's father must be feeling in these circumstances and the possibilities of what's going through his head to see Selia as a fraud. You know, normally it can irk me to see too much of the actual dialogue in a fanfic, but with yours it works beautifully, which really says a lot about how you've taken the original source and merged it with Geric's own perspective. The part where the King figures out that Ungolad and Selia are 'together' while I'm not sure that Geric has quite comprehended it, and how he still seems slightly surprised that Selia was the mastermind behind the treachery were really effectively subtle ways to show that even if he wasn't completely hoodwinked by Selia's people speaking, it still had some sway over him. "Geric would never allow her to be alone with the traitors again; they would kill her for certain this time." It was gratifying to read this even though it was a scam when he left her the last time.
It was great to see firsthand what Geric's reaction to the wind was and how he experiences awe rather than the fear that Kildenreans always seemed to feel toward all the ancient languages. The way you referenced Geric's thoughts about Ungolad's fighting prowess and what he said to Isi concerning it worked nicely. Geric's perspective during the fight is good and the solemnity of the situation and his awareness of how he's earning his spurs is well communicated. It's not necessary that you touch on this, but I do kind of wonder if Geric every figured out that Isi helped him in that fight and if he would think it diminished his victory or if he would just see at proof that they're ideal partners.
I've thought of it in passing, but it really hit home in the opening of this chapter how ironic it is that all of Isi's countrymen (save Talone) are the enemy not only of Bayern but to her personally while the Bayern people are the ones on her side. I like the assessment of how Geric's father must be feeling in these circumstances and the possibilities of what's going through his head to see Selia as a fraud. You know, normally it can irk me to see too much of the actual dialogue in a fanfic, but with yours it works beautifully, which really says a lot about how you've taken the original source and merged it with Geric's own perspective. The part where the King figures out that Ungolad and Selia are 'together' while I'm not sure that Geric has quite comprehended it, and how he still seems slightly surprised that Selia was the mastermind behind the treachery were really effectively subtle ways to show that even if he wasn't completely hoodwinked by Selia's people speaking, it still had some sway over him. "Geric would never allow her to be alone with the traitors again; they would kill her for certain this time." It was gratifying to read this even though it was a scam when he left her the last time.
It was great to see firsthand what Geric's reaction to the wind was and how he experiences awe rather than the fear that Kildenreans always seemed to feel toward all the ancient languages. The way you referenced Geric's thoughts about Ungolad's fighting prowess and what he said to Isi concerning it worked nicely. Geric's perspective during the fight is good and the solemnity of the situation and his awareness of how he's earning his spurs is well communicated. It's not necessary that you touch on this, but I do kind of wonder if Geric every figured out that Isi helped him in that fight and if he would think it diminished his victory or if he would just see at proof that they're ideal partners.
10/28/2012 c2 FullMentalPanic
"The king grasped Geric's arm, which had suddenly jerked towards the curtain, in an iron grip." Great moment showing his subconscious reaction to what's going on, I always wondered how hard it would have been for him to just sit and listen behind the curtain while all that treachery was going on. Excellent job showing how the Bayern eavesdroppers can't get the whole picture by only listening and there are parts of what's going on beyond the tapestry that confuse them or that they misinterpret. Good job with all of Geric's reactions to relevant plot points, especially those instances where they talk about his relationship with Isi, I smirked a bit over how he viewed that letter he wrote her. Is there going to be more? It's excellent so far.
"The king grasped Geric's arm, which had suddenly jerked towards the curtain, in an iron grip." Great moment showing his subconscious reaction to what's going on, I always wondered how hard it would have been for him to just sit and listen behind the curtain while all that treachery was going on. Excellent job showing how the Bayern eavesdroppers can't get the whole picture by only listening and there are parts of what's going on beyond the tapestry that confuse them or that they misinterpret. Good job with all of Geric's reactions to relevant plot points, especially those instances where they talk about his relationship with Isi, I smirked a bit over how he viewed that letter he wrote her. Is there going to be more? It's excellent so far.