Just In
for The Goose Girl's Prince

10/28/2012 c1 40FullMentalPanic
Shannon Hale is definitely one of my favorite modern authors, and you replicate the world she created quite well. At the same, Geric's voice comes out uniquely different from when we are seeing this from Ani/Isi's perspective, so terrific job capturing his character. The way he seems to distance himself from Selia and his marriage to her even in the beginning of the chapter is a great look at his mental state, and the way you have him watching and assessing everything around him and experiencing doubt toward the 'princess' played out wonderfully and seemed very realistic. I totally applaud how you brought the tapestry to Geric's attention again and gave the younger prince something to contribute to the story. Great job with Geric's growing suspicion toward Selia and the things that trigger it. The way Geric and Isi talk to one another it seems like they have this other level of communication that everyone else can't quite tune in on, I really enjoyed it. The whole thing maintains that marvelous tension of the original.
10/18/2012 c2 7sleepy-jackalope
I love this! Are you going to do another chapter?
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