Just In
for Out of the Darkness

10/11/2012 c1 7Shin TriAce
Still haven't read the books (definitely going to have to, now), but loving this so far.:D Just one tiny thing, the he/she thing when Ash is talking to Artemis is a bit confusing, did you mix them up, or am I reading it wrong?
10/11/2012 c1 5Dark Neko 7000
what will happen next
10/11/2012 c1 DarkAngel856
This is cool, can't wait for next chapter x
10/11/2012 c1 DarkRavie
I love Kenyon's Dark Hunters and I enjoyed Harry Potter movies and books, so this crossover is intriguing. I look forward to read the next chapter.
10/11/2012 c1 4ShatteredDragon
OMG Hun yay! I love this new story its so good ill be back on messenger in about an hour
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