Just In
for Ravensong

3/8/2014 c15 xenocanaan
I hope you post the next chapter soon!
11/29/2013 c15 Bellabooella
It is truly filled with wonder, and I hope you update soon!
11/5/2013 c15 RealisticallyOptimistic
It's a shadow.
10/28/2013 c15 Letmespeak
Love it! Update soon
10/14/2013 c14 Letmespeak
Good story
7/24/2013 c14 1indi45
Just read this in one day! Soooo good! Love raven so far and you totally kept Finnick in his character! Anyways great writing and keep up the good work!
6/30/2013 c14 4zZSweet-JasmineZz
Amazing stroy! Please up-date soon! And please tell me that Raven will later be a Victor! XD
5/21/2013 c14 2Rakastan Nalka Peleja
I got worried for a while that maybe you had left the story, but I'm glad that you're back. I loved this chapter, I can't wait to hear what Finnicks plan really is!
3/27/2013 c12 Rakastan Nalka Peleja
OOh I bet the drunken Victor was Haymitch!
3/27/2013 c13 xoxogossipgirl
eeeee! I'm super excited for the interviews and the games now :)))
3/27/2013 c13 mercyplease
I found Ravine outburst when she realized that Finnick scored higher than her kind of funny. I'm guessing next will be the interview so I'm excited :)
3/3/2013 c12 3samiesimpson1
Ok I actually think ravine is awesome. She's really funny!
2/27/2013 c12 mercyplease
Well personally I like this new sort of, smart Ravine :) she's interesting, I would like to hear more
2/26/2013 c12 Anonymous
Good chappie. Well written. Hope all goes well
1/14/2013 c11 2Weasleysandmalfoys
your speech from president snow made my life man...i will never be the same
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