Just In
for The Truth Makes Death

12/31/2024 c1 Talentedtal4200
To answer the question of “do the dead even feel pain” ask the souls in the fields of punishment if they feel pain lmao
8/3/2020 c54 GirlWithAHood
It's been 4 years, so please update.
11/20/2019 c54 A guy
Continue Enigmas or we will throw food & riot
9/26/2016 c54 1percabethbooklion
Damn you've been working on this fic for 4 yrs
3/21/2016 c8 3Gummienummie
1/27/2016 c52 1sonoftime101
update please, ts been 6 months already ;(, But awesome story :)
1/11/2016 c1 1percabethbooklion
*spoiler alert**spoiler alert*
lol I've tried reading this 3 times and for as much as I loved it and enjoyed it, I couldn't finish it as I always forgot where I left off at. I believe that I got to where tris finds out that tobias isn't dead and has clide(?) in his head. and I think that is also around the area where Annabeth is preparing to fight against that dark matter thing or something right? so yeah I have no idea where that is cuz this author's chapters are awesomely long
11/15/2015 c9 yetanothersilentreader
Whoa whaaaat? This is getting really interesting. And iv'e just read 9 chapters
11/15/2015 c6 yetanothersilentreader
Uhm. I think percy has a fear of drowning or something...? Well, better continue reading
10/18/2015 c52 Percabeth
I love this story! please don't stop writing!
6/9/2015 c27 Guest
I love you. Not in a romantic way or anything! But your sense of humor is endearing and your style is incredible. *gives you a cookie* Good job, good work, most likely kill you in the morning... Or something. Keep it up!
6/9/2015 c16 Percabeth
Matt Smith
6/5/2015 c9 HEXER
I can't follow this anymore it's just so weird.
4/29/2015 c49 Guest
Is percy coming back?

I'm only reading this if you bring back Percy in some way, so he can stop Annabeth going bat shit crazy and killing everything like a psycho.

BTW I do enjoy reading this fic it's just that I'm a major percabeth shipper and I've never read a fic where they don't end up together. And quite frankly I don't want this fic to be the first.

You're doing an amazing job! Don't rush to update!
4/9/2015 c49 Guest
*cough* Kaneki torture scene *cough*
And my god lady it's been aaages. Seriously. Where am I supposed to get my torture fix from if you take 3 months for each chapter?
Anyways really liked the chapter, keep it up
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