Just In
for Jumping Through Time

12/29/2024 c180 DWNerd4Life
Hello, hello, hello...

Where to start... I actually started reading a story that was based on this one. About a third of the way through (give or take) there was a point where the author seemed to just disregard canon (i.e. Missy's existence was removed. Well, not removed, but she isn't an incarnation of the Master.) Basically I just got bored. So I started reading this one, and I absolutely love it.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about the Star Beast. There seemed to be a few unnecessary moments, and the ending seemed a bit rushed. Particularly the DoctorDonna plot point. (It really seems like they had no good explanation so they just B. it.)
Wild Blue Yonder was great. It's interesting how you can make a very mysterious episode with, like, only a few characters. It wasn't nearly as good as Heaven Sent, but even so.
The Giggle was alright. The whole Bi-generation thing is... something I'm still trying to wrap my head around, and I can't help thinking it has to be resolved at some point.
Season 1 was great.
Joy to the World was amazing. It practically screamed Steven Moffat. I have no idea if it's just me but the Steven Moffat episodes seem... short. I think it's because the episodes are simple, and don't try to cram as much as possible into them. (I'm thinking of Blink right now.) And that's what makes it so great.

And here I am patiently waiting for Season 2. And not-so-patiently waiting for the next chapter *cough cough*. (Ok, maybe I should be more patient)

Please don't give up!
10/24/2024 c180 HadrianblackNight
can you plz make more chapters this was amazing
10/10/2024 c141 heleana1
Please update soon!
8/21/2024 c180 Courtezfan9
Please. More, more more I cannot wait! Pippa, I absolutely love this! If ever you need a BETA reader or proof reader I would love to work with you. I love this story so much!
7/8/2024 c1 Mavsynchroid
Really bummed that you stopped writing. Only halfway through this fic but really like it
7/8/2024 c42 Mavsynchroid
Dull. So very dull. Seriously, after all that build up, nothing happens? Ignoring the plot holes like the OC knowing that River handcuffs the doctor in the original time line yet can't stop River from handcuffing her, or the fact that her sonic should have been able to open the cuffs instantly, there's really no point to this story.

What I mean is, the author is just writing out the episodes of the show, then peppering in random one liners from the original character. This chapter has annoyed me more than most because the author made it seem like the OC was actually going to get off her lazy ass and be useful for once, only to fall for the SAME DAMN THING the doctor did.

Just lazy writing in my opinion. Not a new story, just one rewritten.. no, not even that, just one edited slightly with a useless character.
7/3/2024 c1 6Shyloeh Deverish-Palmer
Maybe a new new episode. From an old new doctor
6/19/2024 c180 9Romantific
Please, please, please update.
5/17/2024 c180 Celestialite
It's been years since I last logged into ffn (I'm an Ao3 girlie these days), so I don't remember my login, but I wanted to leave a review anyway.

I am adoring this story and have actually lost sleep the last couple of days trying to catch up on all 180 chapters. Looking forward to seeing more
5/17/2024 c5 wearedeadpool
so in this episode, instead of just touching people and sending people through time (like they always do), they're snapping people's necks, this is the only episode where they do that and honestly, that was just dumb (though thankfully the next time we see them in "Angels Take Manhattan", which aired two years later, they were back to sending people through time again).

also, this was the first time the Angels were seen actually moving.
5/17/2024 c1 wearedeadpool
pretty good start so far.
4/1/2024 c180 Lawz987
Pippa, I will patiently wait for more of this golden story. I hope all is well in your life
3/7/2024 c144 Lawz987
I am in awe of your ability to keep writing this story. I read this back in 2014 ish, lost the name of that account but still smile when I see the occasional email telling me you've updated.

I looked at your last few reviews and I am so angry. The level of disrespect and cruel comments is outrageous. You deserve way better than that. Not only do you add a unique spin to your story. (Hello have they not read the sound of drums chapters?) But you keep writing no matter what people comment. I hope that one day I can pick up writing again. I'm going through a horrible time and seeing you keep persevering in writing this incredible story is amazing. Your original storys deserve a ton of credit too. 16 year old me would like to thank you for getting her through a tough time back then. 26 year old me wants to thank you for sharing your talent in a way I can still enjoy.
Stay strong. Never give up. This is single-handedly one of the best doctor who fanfics I've ever read.
2/1/2024 c16 Guest
The secret is she’s married to the Doctor. Ten called her his wife. Eleven hinted at it. River has as well. She and the Doctor are married.
2/1/2024 c11 Guest
11 out of 180….
And I’m already bored and irritated with this OC..

I mean seriously, they know that they are jumping around the doctors timeline. They know that everyone around her knows her, obviously, and just like she can’t tell them things they can’t tell her. And yet, she acts like a child. Why do all of you write these people acting like children throwing a temper tantrum because mummy or daddy won’t take them shopping…

Also, it’s unrealistic.
Personally. If I suddenly found myself in another universe, one that was fictional. I’d freak the hell out, have some insane denial and depression. Would NOT be happy and running around laughing. Even if it was with the Doctor, you don’t KNOW HIM. You might have watched a TV show and know life story but you don’t KNOW HIM. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for writers to keep it realistic..
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