Just In
for Jumping Through Time

8/25/2023 c21 theDireOne
I don't think that I like Kari very much. She's kind of childish, and not in the charming way like the 11th Doctor. More in the early 20s adult that still acts like their 14, kind of way. She's snarky to the point of rudeness often. She's kind of dense, his feelings towards her were obvious from their very first interaction. She's freaking out over a timeline that stopped existing the moment she joined it, her mere presence obviously has changed things. She's kind of a Mary Sue, she seems always able to do whatever the plot requires her to do because the plot requires her to do it. She's treated like she's special when she's not, the only thing special about her so far is that she's connected to the Doctor's timeline. Her specialness comes from him, she's has no specialness of her own. I hope this gets better as the story continues, I want to like this character.
8/18/2023 c178 22Artemis Sherwood
NO NOT ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER. You had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, I can't believe we're so close to finding out what the heck is gonna happen to Kari! But I'm also really enjoying the way the Master and Kari are interacting, it's like him and the Doctor where they're familiar with each other, sort of close sort of not at all, they understand and predict each other, they care in their own weird ways. It's just! really interesting!
8/2/2023 c177 Artemis Sherwood
Nooooooooo, not the cliffhanger! I'm so eager to see what happens next, and what the heck happens to Kari! Does she regenerate too? Does she get blasted into the past and meet an early Master or Doctor? Does she go full Bad Wolf/Angel mode? Is Rassilon after her? I don't know, but I'm excited! And I know it's going to be sad because this is the end for Ten and they'll have to say goodbye for now.
I'm a little biased, but it would be cool to see more of 9 or 13, or maybe the Ruth/Fugitive Doctor. I always love the happy moments Kari has gotten to share with 9 and I'm eager to see how her relationship with 13 develops.
8/1/2023 c172 Artemis Sherwood
I always love seeing Kari and 12 interact! And Bill is just such a delight, I can't wait for her and Kari to become friends
8/1/2023 c171 Artemis Sherwood
9 has my whole entire heart and I've always enjoyed seeing him and Kari interact. I wish they wouldn't fight so much, but with a pair of people as stubborn as they both are it's bound to happen. So this was a really sweet interlude I'm glad to see them feeling the love and enjoying the moment together, and I'm glad it's 9 that she gets to share it with
7/19/2023 c177 65notwritten
Good as usual. Keep smiling.:-)
7/19/2023 c177 6Shyloeh Deverish-Palmer
Anything with River would be so great. We need a little uplifting after any regeneration
7/19/2023 c177 atrhoads05
Another great chapter! As for a suggestion, I’m thinking “World Enough and Time/the Doctor Falls/Twice Upon a Time”.
7/11/2023 c2 Ami999
Wait what she lissed him are tbey together already?
6/28/2023 c176 6ChaoticQuiet

I tried to send you a message almost 4 months ago and I don't know if you got it or not. It said it sent, but then I couldn't find it in my sent messages. If you did get it and you weren't interested in what I sent, than by all means, ignore this or delete it.

Back in March I made you a trailer for this story. I posted it on Youtube. Since I can't send links, you'll have to look it up yourself if you want to watch it (Sorry). My Youtube name is JinxedFilms.

Sorry for bothering you if you did get the message. Thnx :)
6/26/2023 c176 65notwritten
Very interesting chapter. Keep smiling.:-)
6/26/2023 c176 biancarhodes53
Im so happy you’ve updated, but im definitely neves about what is gonna happen.i hope you’re having a good week.
6/25/2023 c176 atrhoads05
Can't wait to see what is going to happen to her. Even if it's going to most likely be bad, I still have been waiting to see this ever since I started following this story. Anyways, great work as always. I hope you are doing well and that you are able to get the next chapter out much quicker, but not rushed.
5/22/2023 c175 notwritten
Good as usual. Keep smiling.:-)
5/19/2023 c174 Hekate1013
I finally caught up! This is one of my favorite Doctor Who Fanfics and I can’t wait for the next chapter! Do you think you can do Tooth and Claw or Time Heist? So looking forward to whatever episode you pick!
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