Just In
for Jumping Through Time

4/29/2023 c174 65notwritten
Enjoyable. Keep smiling.:-)
4/29/2023 c174 1atrhoads05
Ok, that was what I call fun. I love 12's era so you doing any episode from his era will most of the time be a good one in my book. I can't wait for when you get around to "World Enough and Time", "the Doctor Falls", and "Twice Upon a Time". And of course, if you will get around to it, doing classc Doctor Who. I found a free and legal way to watch almost all of it with the latest reconstructions of all lost episodes.
4/11/2023 c173 65notwritten
Nice. Keep smiling.:-)
4/8/2023 c66 23Lady Shalpha
I love Kari.
4/7/2023 c173 DJpaigeDJ
I've been reading this story for a few weeks now, it is so good. I love the changes that even just being there that Kari makes. I can't wait to see how the story plays out in the future.
3/20/2023 c172 Cherie
I’m finally all caught up, I’ve missed this fic so much! Cant wait to see where the rest of it goes!
3/8/2023 c172 65notwritten
I like'd it. Keep smiling.:-)
3/8/2023 c172 RainbowUnicorn84738
So happy to see an update and some 12th doc! Look forward to the rest of this episode and the next one :D
2/16/2023 c171 notwritten
They needed a quiet moment. Keep smiling.:-)
2/14/2023 c171 1atrhoads05
Well, whatever you got planned, I can't wait. I can't wait for when you cover certain episodes I've been wanting for you to do for a little while now. The series 10 finale and christmas special (Twice Upon A Time), the Stolen Earth/Journey's End, and Power of the Doctor to name a few.

Now for the DW stuff. They're filming the 2023 christmas special, I can't wait for that and the 60th aniversary specials.
2/14/2023 c171 RainbowUnicorn84738
Great chapter I always love the slow moments with 9. Look forward to seeing what you’ve got coming next!
1/28/2023 c170 65notwritten
Good as usual. Keep smiling.:-)
1/22/2023 c123 Arumia
I don’t know if I mentioned it in my early review but I also want to see another regeneration from us at some point
1/22/2023 c86 Arumia
I know as a 15 year old, what kari is doing is wrong and stupid, it seriously pisses me off cause I’ve seen it multiple times before in fanfiction, I know it’s wrong
1/22/2023 c76 Arumia
I want some interactions with the 13th doctor, river song, and the moment when kari first meets the doctor
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