Just In
for Halloween Movie Talk

10/9/2013 c1 51Gottahavemyncis
Ha, LOVED this!
1/13/2013 c1 3muzikchic4eva
mcgee was an actor before becoming an agent! lol, but yep i knew that sean murray was thackery in hocus pocus! :D

i liked this fanfic!
10/28/2012 c1 Ziva Divad
To be honest, I don't like that movie. I the only reason I watched it was because of Sean Murray (his voice was so high, haha. "EMILY!" [i think it his "younger" sister's name?]) I love the interaction between all the characters, especially how Gibbs got his few words in. good job! Keep it up!

Have a creative day! One love,

Ziva Divad
10/26/2012 c1 17Jes The Dino
Good interaction between Char$
10/21/2012 c1 214special agent Ali
Very cute shot but can you please fix his name. It's Sean Murray not Shaun Murry I am just saying you should spell it right if your going to acknowledge an actor. But very cute shot
10/21/2012 c1 13HunterOnBakerStreet
This was really cute and the end was hilarious!
10/21/2012 c1 13Sitting Ducki
SM was hot even at that young as Thackery. I only watched the movie to see him :D my nieces (both of them 12 years apart) were obsessed with it.
10/21/2012 c1 11FollowGibbs'Rules
I started to watch that yesterday and was so looking forward to seeing Sean Murray but I started watching it too late and he was already a cat so I walked away. Good story though.
10/20/2012 c1 AliinaSuomi
lovely. Liked what Gibbs said in the end.
10/20/2012 c1 guesswho
This is really funny! I love love love love Gibbs' comment at the end! Wonderful story! :D

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