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for Magical Origins

12/11/2024 c84 Pork Bowl
yoooooo wtf im dumb as hell, just now realising that Horvath and Glorenstein are from sorcerers apprentice XD
11/27/2024 c122 Viperzz
please update the winter king story
11/8/2024 c5 1HarGrif
Geez, what a wanker, can't figure out your own story so got to con us into figuring it out.
8/26/2024 c5 1Dat Grammar Snob
ehhh? I agree with the badger and eagle being aligned with earth and air, but lion and fire? Where's that coming from? Serpent and water, maybe if we're talking about like chinese folklore, but ehhhhh? Good story so far but I think the houses just suit their personalities more than "they fit their element."
8/21/2024 c122 Edsu-Eji
I hope the story is not abandoned
7/30/2024 c122 1SkyEmpire1
Love this story. Hope you continue writing and looking fowards to the next chapter
7/15/2024 c122 Curt24
Hi Dante 2k-25 still hoping to see a new chapter of your story in magical origins. It's still my favourite one of your stories amount them since in you give them really awesome plots. As well as your other stories keep up the awesome work hope to see more
7/7/2024 c122 frostyhogwarts
This is a new and original version. I have truly enjoyed reading it. Please update soon
7/6/2024 c60 omh666
This is still a rather poorly written chapter I'm sorry to say. You have significant issues with verb tense through the entire chapter. You have had issues with this on and off through the whole story, but this chapter was especially bad, to the point I nearly didn't finish reading the chapter, truth be told. You have a number of points where word order is strange as well. In the part where the fake Moody is revealed, you have Harry force him back into his true form, causing the eye to pop out of his head and the leg to fall off. But then when Dumbledore is there to question him, he casts a spell to force the fake Moody back into his true body, causing the eye to pop out of his head and leg to fall off a second time. On top of all this, how did the wands lock up? In the books, the wands share the brother core which is how they lock up and manage to force Voldemort's wand to send out the phantoms. In your story, Harry doesn't have a brother wand to Voldemort, so in theory, they shouldn't have locked up like that.
7/4/2024 c44 omh666
When does it ever say the world cup for quiddich was every four years? In the Goblet of Fire, the only thing I recall being every four years was the Tri-Wizard tournament before it was canceled.
6/12/2024 c122 Guest
This is gonna get finished right ?
6/4/2024 c32 bakun.alex93
Damn it, there should have been a trail of blood behind him, are they all blind?
This whole chapter is so far-fetched. You intentionally made everyone in this chapter look like terribly stupid, incompetent idiots in order to play up the meeting with Sirius. You do that a lot, it's pathetic and unprofessional.
6/4/2024 c29 bakun.alex93
The sword of Gryffindor could only destroy Horcruxes because it was tainted with basilisk venom, which did not occur in your story. And behavior that is out of character, again.
6/4/2024 c9 bakun.alex93
That is it; you have ruined your story, moron. There is a tremendous mismatch between Harry's character as seen in previous chapters and his behavior.
6/3/2024 c8 bakun.alex93
Ronald "Six" Weasley, a Dark Forces fighter and Paladin of Light, simply stood and watched while a throng beat up a Gryffindor girl. But, when the teachers arrived, he began wagging his tongue. Not surprised.
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