11/21/2012 c1 TheQueenOfIndia
loved it! :D i love your writing.. you can beautifully describe so many emotions in just a few words.. :)
I'm so curious to know what happens when they grow up.. :) already following behind the shadows.. Hope you'll update it soon.. :)
loved it! :D i love your writing.. you can beautifully describe so many emotions in just a few words.. :)
I'm so curious to know what happens when they grow up.. :) already following behind the shadows.. Hope you'll update it soon.. :)
10/27/2012 c1 mia
that was really cute. i'm definately going to read the sequel now. update asap.
that was really cute. i'm definately going to read the sequel now. update asap.
10/23/2012 c1 P
Sal - This is awesome, exemplary, very exciting !
Sal - This is awesome, exemplary, very exciting !
10/23/2012 c1 hermione1192
cute! cant wait to read the sequel.
cute! cant wait to read the sequel.