Just In
for My Tribe Cat

10/24/2019 c1 Guest
That was by far the worst one I've ever are probably the worst writer for mating story's I've ever read. That story didn't even have mating in it
10/8/2016 c12 StarclanSpecops
{Star Wars theme} you you you are are are aw aw some some )
10/8/2016 c9 StarclanSpecops
In this time line in warriors I think you're confusing Reedtail with Reedwisker

Love this story)
10/8/2016 c8 StarclanSpecops
OMG _ this is getting intense and exciting keep it up. ) hoo-ahh
10/8/2016 c2 StarclanSpecops
) ) ) ) ) )
8/6/2015 c10 Wolfclaw of MoonClan
Does anyone have those moments when you're writing a Warriors story and you just can't decide on a name for an OC? I surely do.
2/4/2014 c7 Guest
I hate BrambleXLeaf but I like the jealous BrambleXSquirrel over CragXSquirrel. BrambleXLeaf yuck!
9/11/2013 c10 Trinity
Booooooo Brambleclaw & Leafpool would suck together!
8/12/2013 c7 Halfmoon
I love the idea of Leafpool liking Brambleclaw. Its werid but it might work! They could have 3 kits called Sweetkit- tortishell and white she-cat she-cat. Crowkit- black and white tom. And Pigionkit a pale gray tom! Happy Writing!
Love Halfmoon daughter of Leafstar mate to Tigerheart mother to Moon that brings a storm, Couar that treads the night, Tawnykit, Leopardkit and Spottedkit
5/24/2013 c12 7Stockholm-Syndrome01
Good story!
4/4/2013 c12 11xXRainDaze.NiilaXx
I liked the ending! Just make sure you don't make the paragraphs toooo long! ;)
4/3/2013 c12 Whatsy
4/2/2013 c11 2books are awesome699
4/1/2013 c12 53Tina-chan V
I LOVED IT! Thnx for using the name I suggested.
2/22/2013 c11 anonymous
poopykit! Im not trying to be mean but it sounds funny.
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