Just In
for Over The Edge

4/24/2014 c9 39dublin writer
A charming tale. Sorry for the late review, Took me a while to catch up reading the previous chapters. That Jeff Hartman deserved the slap he got!...Hope Steve holds it together when he arrests Troy... Sad that Steve and Mike are a bit estranged with each other...Hope they clear the air soon. Thanks for sharing and updating...:-)
4/23/2014 c9 Smithy
The Bunny was very generous, as I got white chocolate and jelly beans. I just hope Steve keeps a very level head regarding this.
4/23/2014 c9 30TSOSF site
Two words: Welcome back!
4/23/2014 c9 21briroch
Thanks for the update, great chapter! The interview scene is beautifully constructed. I also love the way you write Mike's and Steve's emotions, not quite ready to forgive and forget yet, but relenting.
4/23/2014 c9 95keller12917
Thanks for the update Tanith have been hoping for one was fantastic and was not disappointed. Hope you had a good Easter.
1/5/2014 c2 keller12917
Good thing they didn't have time to do anything worse or Mike as well as Steve would have been more ready to kill
1/5/2014 c3 keller12917
Count on Steve to make sure Jeannie has protection am just surprised he didn't do the guard duty himself
1/5/2014 c4 keller12917
Uh oh Mike is not going to be a happy camper with anyone now except maybe Jeannie how could you do this to Steve and Mike?
1/5/2014 c5 keller12917
Would have been better to let Steve work on his own on this or pair him with someone who at least had some decency
1/5/2014 c6 keller12917
Lowlife jerk what is this guy doing being allowed to even be a cop in San Francisco
1/5/2014 c7 keller12917
Guess that will teach hartman don't mess with any Stone as long as Steve is around and don't dare say anything about him having hots for Jeannie even if it is true
1/5/2014 c8 keller12917
Gee what does he mean he shouldn't have hit him?! Should have hit him worse than he did
10/25/2013 c8 Smithy
I seem to disagree with a fellow reviewer on why Steve should not punch someone, even a fellow cop. I believe when you push somebody's buttons far enough, they come to the point where they punch that jerk in the mouth, and Steve was justified in socking that jerk {sorta reminds me of Will Turner from 'Pirates of the Caribbean'} in the kisser. Lee and Bill coming to his defense was a lovely touch. They've known him long enough. Perhaps Bill should have been his 'temporary' partner, and he definitely does not remind me of Mel Gibson's character in the 'Lethal Weapon' series.
10/14/2013 c8 TheNaggingCube
I hope this is one you'll come back to. A perfect time to finish this one up just in time for Halloween!

Jeannie is a strong person, glad she told Mike and came in to make a report.
9/16/2013 c1 keller12917
This is another story by you I am anxiously awaiting to see what happens next All of it has been so in character for Steve and Mike just like the series think that is one reason I like your writing so much as feels like I am actually watching an episode of the tv show. Hope you update soon on this. Loved Hartman getting punched out even if it is against Mike's rules for Steve I think it was cool that Steve did not let any remarks about Jeannie go unpunished.
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