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for Need Help Finding A Few Stories

3/29/2014 c1 an0n1904
the story is 'Out of Darkness' and the pairing is itachi and sakura non massacre.
1/7/2013 c1 27sreii
If you did review, it should be in your review history. Sometimes I place stories in Alert- but sometimes they don't show!

I hope you find it!

11/3/2012 c1 sarah
i think the 2nd one has been delated i cant find it on my list either
11/3/2012 c1 nekozr
the first one is Out of the Darkness
11/3/2012 c1 sumiku
I have no idea about the first one but the other one is called Price of Strength.
PiperKnight deleted it.I I couldn't find it either. :(
11/3/2012 c1 MrGoodyTwoShoes
Entries not allowed:

1. Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc.
2. One or two liners.
3. MST: comments inserted in between the flow of a copied story.
4. Stories with non-historical and non-fictional characters: actors, musicians, and etc.
5. Any form of interactive entry: choose your adventure, second person/you based, Q&As, and etc.
6. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries.

Your chapter is not allowed under section 1 of the guidelines.

You should be posting this sort of thing on your profile page and/or forum instead of here as it's not an actual story.

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