Just In
for Just Another Day with Norman

10/30/2016 c3 79ko777
update soon :)
7/13/2016 c3 Guest
I'm really loving your story! Great job at writing and intepretating Agatha's character and personality.
7/5/2016 c3 21LunaSymphony
Alright, I love this rewrite! Better structure and your writing seemed to have improved a lot. Aside from the few grammatical errors, the story is solid. Keep up the good work!
6/25/2016 c3 4Number66
Great job on the rewrites so far doing a really good job showcasing Agatha's reaction to being alive and the new world and people she is interacting with. keep up the great work.
3/19/2016 c1 Guest
does anyone realize Agatha and Norman are related to each other
10/28/2015 c6 Fenrir Wylde Razgriz
well I Believe in your sorry excuse (not being sarcastic) and FINALLY :D
10/28/2015 c6 8The Keeper of Worlds
Cool, wonder won the voice was?
6/22/2015 c6 jimbostevenson
please keep going, I really like the story so far, keep up the good work
6/4/2015 c5 The Keeper of Worlds
Loving this story:). Can't wait for more!
5/23/2015 c6 Tadala
I LOVE it can't wait 4 the next chapter
2/18/2015 c6 leide daya
misterioso romantico
1/8/2015 c6 OLionheartO
27 cap? resien tienes el ca pasado un año y medio :P este fic sera eterno XDDDD pero esta bueno me gusta espero luego el siguienta cap

1/8/2015 c6 3Mystic Fairy Tame
NEVER EVER STOP WRITING. Darn why did they take away the thing that let us review more then once. I want more
1/7/2015 c5 ToolazytoLogin
Heh, I really like this one!

Please keep on writing, I have trust issues since 80% of the fics I read randomly drop off, etc. .

with love and need of sleep,
1/4/2015 c5 3Arzir
FINALLY! An update! Wooooh! And a good one at that... I like this mystery thing going on. A new adventure seems to be just around the corner. A new villain. A witch perhaps. Another troubled soul. Or maybe Agatha's best friend from the past jealous of Norman taking her. Or a deeper reason for Agatha's coming back to life. Maybe there's a price and Something is coming to collect. Or maybe the story was incomplete. There could really be an EVIL WITCH and Agatha was framed by said witch. Maybe she's back... Ooooh! The possibilities are endless!
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