Just In
for With Friends Like These

3/12/2015 c1 Guest
I love this please continue
1/20/2014 c1 Guest
please continue that was freaking hilarious. l love arthur and lovino's relationship
5/28/2013 c1 5mangoshake24
waiii pleasseeeeeeeee updateeee this is a really once in a life time very rare story that i was hoping to finndddddd! we need stories like theesseeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleeaaaseeeeeee
5/16/2013 c1 50N and S and F
Quite a nice opening (it is right?), but when will you update? :/
2/6/2013 c1 8isa-kagamine
kawai !
11/4/2012 c1 Guest
One word. MORE AWESOME THAN PRUSSIA! Okay, that's four but still. That was great! Can't wait for the next chapter!
11/3/2012 c1 nellababy18
Aw I love it its so cute! Hope you update soon :)

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