Just In
for Black, White, and Everything In Between

11/12/2012 c6 25Arantxa2020
I'm so glad that Riolu, or Luke, was able to come back to life. I like the story so far. I wondered why did you make your main character one legged, but I guess that was part of a bigger part of the plot.
11/11/2012 c1 Koyoko
That was great! I can't wait to read more. I really wonder how Touko is going to deal with polio on a Pokemon journey. But, I was just wondering...if the vaccine to stop polio was made before Touko was born, how is it she has polio?
11/4/2012 c4 octillion1
This is pretty intense. Loving it so far! (Also, I'm really interested in how Touko will handle the Pokemon journey, having a prosthetic leg and all. Maybe a mischievous Pokemon will steal it one night, forcing her to go on for a few hours without it? ;) )
11/4/2012 c4 4grimkat
*claps* I've never really liked how they made out those two points, Truth and Ideals, but never really explained how or why they were of any importance in the games. Swell job
11/4/2012 c3 grimkat
Nice job! I really like the idea!

... You has a shiny? Those are so freaking hard to find!

I have a guess about who you mean would chat with N about moronic trainers. :3
11/4/2012 c1 Zrye13
interesting idea looking forward to more :)
11/3/2012 c1 SuperHoundoom
Interesting twist you've got going on here. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

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