Just In
for Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

3/14/2018 c1 Wolf'sVine
Huh... I think I feel pissed for Kaname's sake, but I feel some sorrow for Zero cuz it couldn't have been an easy decision to join the clergy when he had Kaname. Still, Zero's very cold, isn't he? But, than again, he's on the path to falling to level-E... unless he gets Shizuka's blood? Will he? More than anything, though, I feel sad that Kaname and Zero won't get to live and love happily as a couple.
4/14/2017 c1 30Love332
Damn,this broke my heart ._. Why is Zero so cold? I truly feel pain for Kaname u.u I hope Kaname would one day move on from Zero and find someone who loves him as much as he does u.u
6/10/2014 c1 2sujuot1517
This is probably my third or fourth time reading this story, and I love it! The way Kaname continues to love Zero even when he says he doesn't want to see him is both heartbreaking and romantic. I truly love this pairing and appreciate you writing this magnificent story.
3/30/2014 c1 kanaeee
This is well-written and a vivid depiction of pain. I like this one shot very much especially Kaname's letter poor him i don't know how Zero could handle reading it without showing his true emotion moreover , I like Kaname's toleration of Zero's ignorance and how he wished that his lover could spare him one glance Y.Y So beautiful .. Thnx senpi 4 writing such a heart breaking story
11/25/2013 c1 JJ
So heart touching, so beautiful i can read it again n again n again n I'll never get bored of is truly amazing
4/3/2013 c1 Guest
Nice oneshot. I enjoyed it a lot. For some reason, I like the idea of Zero being a priest. The way you wrote it was so sad. But, it seems like Kaname is the only one who misses him. Zero seems so cold. They can't be together. I would like to see little Kaname and Zero get married, aw. Maybe you should do a little flashback scene. Lovely read
1/22/2013 c1 3Aeruginos
It's very beautiful and sad too, this one-shot is probably one of my favorites.
12/26/2012 c1 4Brookie cookie17
11/24/2012 c1 ScorpionChick
I really enjoyed this. It was written so beautifully, I just couldn't help but re read it once more.
11/11/2012 c1 SweetieHazel
This looks like it's gonna be a sad story 0_0
Nevermind, I like sad stories;) Hee SADIST xD
11/6/2012 c1 Guest about zero realizes he loves kaname? this can't be the end.:'-(...
11/6/2012 c1 Shane
Wow. The element of adding the Church with Zero becoing a Priest was brilliant. Reminds me a bit of Vassalord.
11/6/2012 c1 hitomi65
great story
11/5/2012 c1 TiarAstrid
I dont know it will lighten u or not but I was crying n my heart is hurt badly they're thighten up w/ sadness
11/4/2012 c1 8irmina
Very sad... the letters are beautiful. Wow they were 'married', in Kaname's heart. I wonder if Zero felt the same way about their relationship.
Poor Kaname has been lonely for 10 yrs. Maybe Zero too but he tried to forget it.

I hope you will write another chapter. Please give these two a touching closure :-)
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