Just In
for Joined Hearts

1/1/2013 c6 Guest
You can copy and paste the next part. It's an option on doc manager.
11/28/2012 c3 fairylovessaber
I think the plot is great but I also think the stories should be longer
11/28/2012 c3 3FairyTaillovaX766
i love this story!
but can u make the stories longer? like AT LEAST 1000 words?
thx and please update
11/28/2012 c3 4violetchick4ever
already typing the new chapter
11/20/2012 c2 Jewel Charm
Thanks for the update
11/6/2012 c1 Guest
WHOO! I LOVE YOU! You know, in a you're-awesome-that-I-adore-you way! XD
11/6/2012 c1 18Fairy x Hunter
WHOO! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH! You know, in a you're-awesome-so-that-I-adore-you-for-this way! XD If you see it's the same as a guest, It's me! I accidentally reviewed as a guest! XD
11/5/2012 c1 4MisakiDreyarTheSilentDemon
Awwwwwwwwwwwww X3 3
How or soooooooo romantic X3
I wish Lucy and Sting will be together as soon as posible X3
Make more please XD
*Favourite this story and Sorry if my English is bad*

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