Just In
for Unthinkable Agony

9/9/2017 c10 MollyMoooo
Omg I LOVEEEEEDDDD this 3333
12/4/2014 c10 344Traitor of All Traitors
6/28/2014 c10 MUTO TOHO
Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh. What the heck just happened. And you forgot to put THE END.
6/28/2014 c7 MUTO TOHO
You know ive always wondered since the beginning of this story why is FP calling finn honey, i mean there not married yet so its kinda pointless
5/2/2014 c10 adventurerOreo
this was a excellent story and i hope you make a sequel to this.
7/29/2013 c2 Guest
Who gives two shits about a pink wad and a vampire :)
7/23/2013 c10 KinaSakria
They can finally be together and touch each other without Flame Princess hurting Finn! Yayyyyy! : D
Keep up the good work on this story, I really can't wait to read the next chapter c:
7/17/2013 c1 taywinga
This first chapter is breathtaking. It is remarkably consistent and feels as if each word were cunningly wrought in the hopes of each telling a story in their own right. Please continue writing. You have gained my respect as one of my now favorite authors. Please don't disappoint me in the future.
7/17/2013 c10 16shadow-dog18
aww that was so sweet i say something like that will happen in the end for them 3
7/13/2013 c10 2chistopher
WOHHHHHHHHHHH dAMN! That was SWEEET fINALY! a gOOD ending For the Two

7/11/2013 c8 2TheBARHalofan197
I can agree with everyone one the reviews. Please make a sequel. It would do your readers a whole lot of good and we can read more fxf. So please for everyone here, make a sequel. :)
7/10/2013 c7 2chistopher
ohhhh Man THAT was VERY Sweet i love this chapter DAMN!
7/7/2013 c10 2TheBARHalofan197
Get a epilogue to finish the story, the for here was a bit cheesy, I liked how they did what they did, but I just suggest an epilogue. Hope you read this.
7/7/2013 c10 Guest
Sequal! Sequel! Sequel!
Great story.
7/7/2013 c10 1Trasgo Madaraz Artifex
i can imagine Finn sayin to PB something like
"Well. . . what can i say? my clothes are not fire prof and one thing leads to another. (3)"

i aprove a secuel, but only if you what to do it.
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