Just In
for Unthinkable Agony

3/16/2013 c8 1Trasgo Madaraz Artifex
Magic and cience its crazy? i say nah,
Magitek its awwesome The Rune Cannons from D&D are one of the most basass weapons in the game.
So yeah, Magitek it awesome and all the world need to know it
3/16/2013 c8 Jilly bean
This is soooo good! Please continue the story.
3/15/2013 c4 aangismyhomie
This is very cute and totally has potential, but I think a beta/editor would definitely not go amiss. There are a lot of minor grammar mistakes, but that's totally easy to fix :) great job so far!
3/2/2013 c7 KinaSakria
Awww, this chapter was so cute! : ) I absolutely love Jake and FP as a couple. c:
Keep up the good work, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
2/26/2013 c7 inactive69420
Ugh I LOVE this story so much, it's so damn cute! Finn x Flame princess and Marceline x Princess bubblegum are my favourite couples
2/26/2013 c2 1Nanaadventuress
I likes the song ang thought u rote it till I saw the authors note
2/26/2013 c7 Mr.nin10do
Did u see vault of bones?
2/26/2013 c7 7BreadGirl0797
Ahhhhh! So cute and fluffy! Update soon!
2/16/2013 c6 KinaSakria
Another good chapter. : ) Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to read more! c:
2/16/2013 c6 Mr.nin10do
I never liked bubbaline but this story makes an acception so good job
2/15/2013 c6 BreadGirl0797
Oh this is getting interesting. Can't wait for more! Update soon!
1/25/2013 c5 2Mr.penguin991
rawr i like this stuff it makes me happy i like it i really hope you keep writing
1/24/2013 c1 10DubbleDuelSword
Is it bad for me to think about the Breaking Benjamin song "Dear Agony" when ever I read the title of this fic? Don't get me wrong I like this fic, mainly because of Finn and Flame Princess, but every time I read the title I would always think of "Dear Agony" by Breaking Benjamin. A little weird don't ya think?
1/24/2013 c5 Mr.nin10do
Does anyone knock?
1/24/2013 c5 1Harvest-Mooniac
WOOOOOOOOOT! We've gone from plotless (albeit fantastic) love stories into actual plot! You have an amazing writing style, please keep this up!
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