Just In
for Unthinkable Agony

1/24/2013 c5 7BreadGirl0797
Awww cutie pies. Can't wait for more!
1/24/2013 c5 3Vincent victor crowley
Great story
1/24/2013 c5 13Galaxy Knight
This is what i've been waiting for, all three of them to come together. The situation is going to explode like a powder keg.
1/24/2013 c4 Galaxy Knight
That is super sweet. I love the way that you wrote this story and their emotions are very spot on.
1/24/2013 c2 Galaxy Knight
Again, very good. I love the interactions between the characters and their viewpoints.
1/24/2013 c1 Galaxy Knight
Great story so far, I am intrigued by the different perspective you bring.
1/19/2013 c4 1Adventure time lovr
as that's sweet. I need more I love this story
1/18/2013 c4 7BreadGirl0797
Well I'm not much of a PB/Marceline shipper but you did a great job. Can't wait for more!
1/17/2013 c4 Mr.nin10do
So what do they have to do with the story?
1/11/2013 c3 KinaSakria
This chapter was so cute! I absolutely love FP and Finn! ( : Keep up the good work, I can't wait for the next chapter!
1/10/2013 c3 6The Loved And Unloved
I enjoy this story very much so(:
1/10/2013 c3 Mr.nin10do
No bubbline right?i hate that shipping
1/10/2013 c3 1Harvest-Mooniac
XD Oh god, you're now officially on my list of authors I can't read without smiling like an idiot and going "D'AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW" Congratulations, and I hope I get many more chapters to smile at :D
1/7/2013 c1 roneyANDRADE
i feel so frustade cause i have a girlfriend than lives very far and feel that the pain its the distance and make me feel i am burned in the heart
1/4/2013 c2 KinaSakria
This was a good chapter, I like the take on Marceline and the Bubblegum Princess. I can't wait for more chapters. c:
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