Just In
for Strength of seven

1/6/2018 c16 Guest
Please update
6/23/2016 c4 6MockingJay JAM
Why isn't coin the leader
3/20/2014 c13 Guest
Plz update! LOVE THIS STORY! 3
3/2/2014 c16 Guest
2/24/2014 c16 Guest
please update soon! Such a great fic :))
2/13/2014 c16 love of weird couples
moreplease and ilove how u made peeta the bad guy... ive never liked him
8/27/2013 c16 Guest
please update soon! great fic babe :)
8/20/2013 c16 5Tuitara
Please update soon!
I love this story.
7/22/2013 c13 GreekPrincess143
It's really cute how all the Careers have paire off. And good choce with Glimmer/Marvel over Marvel/Clove. Clove/Thresh is much more ironic...since he's the one who killed her
7/22/2013 c8 GreekPrincess143
Ok, this is me just being a total grammer nazi, but when you said Blaise is what fires do, did you mean blaze? Blaise is just a guy's name, blaze is a verb.

Good story though
4/14/2013 c16 mum2shane
loving this story hope u write soon...:)
3/12/2013 c16 Marisa Mellark
This was so good update soon!
3/3/2013 c16 1Kato45
Cool beans. Loved it.
3/3/2013 c16 6KM.6000
Awesome :D I like getting things dedicated xD Great chapter, can't wait to read more! :)
3/3/2013 c16 7DrowningDemons
Update soon! love this! I have a friend named yasmeen, and Gale's mum's name is Hazel!
Kendal :)
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