Just In
for Bring Back Some Browncoats to Shake Us Up a Bit

11/11/2012 c2 41shana.rose
Yay! They all taking a ride of Serenity! But wait what about the servants?! And what about Tom! And where was Sybil doing dinner?!
11/7/2012 c1 shana.rose
Yessssss! This is going to be SO EPIC! Seriously I'm jumping up and down in my seat right now!
11/7/2012 c1 30gothamgirl28
I love this! I would never have thought I would enjoy a Downton Abbey and Firefly crossover, but I so totaly did! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Please, please continue with this! I'm picturing Branson meeting Kaylee (I see a jealous Sybil in my head and Simon isn't too pleased either).
11/7/2012 c1 54The Yankee Countess
LOL! I haven't watched "Firefly" in a long while either (although I do own it on DVD). It's so funny seeing Nathan Fillion on it now, since I'm so used to seeing him in "Castle", but anyway...I like this! It works in the same realm as people who do crossovers with Downton and Dr. Who. And isn't it funny how some of these wacky and "cracktastic" ideas come to us late at night? Hehehehehe, I'm curious to see where you go with this! And I loved the character Jayne on "Firefly"; I wonder if he's going to do some massive flirting with any of the girls...or if Zoe will do the same with Matthew or Tom or any of the other male servants :oP
11/7/2012 c1 18rampantwolfhound
This looks like it's going to be fun; I can't wait to see how this unfolds.
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