Just In
for Rise of Arcane

3/1 c14 kristinamanga
heureusement qu’il n'est pas arrivé à l’époque des dinosaures... XD
12/6/2023 c1 Soul Sendant
sorcerer magic from marvel is trash
9/3/2023 c17 Trainion
How the fuck did he get here?
8/25/2023 c8 Guest
Wizard of the Kaleidoscope
6/14/2023 c8 1lastgodofwar
I can tell why this was abandoned. So many different kinds of magic soo many ruling bodies it would be IMPOSSIBLE to actually write a full story this would be 10 or 15 books long to do justice to a world THIS filled with magic. I mean the Harry Potter books only had one type of magic and there were 6 books. And those left out soo much info about that world its not even funny. So that's one of the reasons im dropping this. The other is a mentally unstable empowered girl in wanda in a very troubling three way love triangle is asking for drama i don't want to read it would be one thing if they had problems then got over them in a few chapters but i dont think thats gonna happen so im gonna say no to that. You have very good writing talent though and characters were all very likeable and different.
5/4/2023 c18 Guest
At least delete this copy of your work if abandoned or link it to the rewritten version by another author
2/11/2023 c9 Arcane Warhammer
No matter what rationalization you give, you had in your mind (In my opinion). What you made mirror to see HP's inner desire is bad one. That reflection will only happened if he is a boy (age 4 to 9-10.5) with normal memory like canon and no father/mother figure or a very old one plagued with loneliness, bad decisions over very very long time centuries even millennia.
Not a raging boy teenager at 14 with 2 uber attractive 15 years old girls are pining for him as he himself knows and actively respond to one and passively lead another, who also have functional father figure, great mentors and eidetic memory.
Let me tell you something about siblings rivalry they never went away even without perfect recall every wrongdoing somehow ached to to back of their heads. Parental negligent to abandonment to intelligent, eidetic memory/perfect recall child (in bold fonts) "that is worst, most of the time no amount of atonement, regret to wash the sheer amount of resentment".
7/26/2022 c3 edoabb
So nothing happens to Petunia? Her situation is shitty and she had no say in the matter of keeping the child, but she also abandoned Harry in another continent, even if there was no thought of revenge in the punishment she should receive, at least legally she should be arrested for decades. Wtf why is nobody doing shit
7/25/2022 c7 RyuuyaOoguro
no wonder caliburn was broken, even excalibur's sheath is better!
5/15/2022 c18 13ALPHA02FURY97
Mind if I adopt this?
3/15/2022 c18 Makimass
shit sucks ass when there's a huge potential in the story just wasted by the author especially the confrontation between harry and the potters (the most awaiting event for me)..
3/13/2022 c18 1DreamRiders
this was a good story why'd u abandon it? :(
3/7/2022 c18 Callum Runchman
I've got to say I'm very disappointed this wasn't continued and you gave it to someone who did a single chapter before forgetting about it. I liked both the marvel side of things and the ancient times and was really looking forward to seeing the Potters reunited with their lost son, I feel like that confrontation would have been quite fun to read if a little sad in some ways.
You also never got to continue and finish the lilith storyline which was sort of interesting as well.
Overall this was a very good fanfiction that's only let down by its abandonment
2/16/2022 c1 Guest
nice family what a whores bastard she is she doesnt deserve to have children at all
7/28/2021 c18 Guest
Please delete this fic, it is trash
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