Just In
for Awake Asleep

7/17/2019 c1 goldensnitch1
This was beautiful
10/29/2017 c1 1JennyA
OMG. Thank you for writing this. This is the first decently written-and HOT-Fourtris story I have found. Very satisfying.
11/25/2015 c1 Eunice339
Beautifully written, with not a lot of dialogue, so it helped us readers to truly experience the scene as it unfolded.
6/15/2015 c1 6Windchimed
Nicely told. Thank you for sharing this. Just to let you know, there's a typo you might want to fix, since it changes the meaning significantly. You're missing "not" when you said, "He pulls away from me gently, trying to hurt me." Overall, though, it's a sweet story with a deeper, healing feel to it.
4/27/2015 c1 28cjgwilliams
Wow. I know this was written a while ago but I just found it and had to tell you how wonderful I thought it was. Amazing. Just amazing.
4/12/2015 c1 Ninjababe09
I haven't read too many fourtris fics, but I really enjoyed this one. Beautiful, thanks for sharing!
12/24/2014 c1 53carpetinflight
11/21/2014 c1 Julia
7/23/2014 c1 1inmyveins47
this is probably the best Divergent fic I've ever read to be honest :) well done!
7/2/2014 c1 9melsbells91
That was perfect. So stunningly beautiful. Love Love Love!
6/9/2014 c1 laser97
This is so good and very well written. Your attention to detail adds a lot to the story. Love it!
6/8/2014 c1 enj412
This is beautiful. I love it so much.
6/5/2014 c1 Bamcn24
This was beautiful!
5/2/2014 c1 12liberal4peace
Aww. :)
1/8/2014 c1 Guest
sweet. i like it. :P
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