Just In
for Let You Go

1/1/2016 c1 FangirlWithABook
That was sad but good job
9/7/2015 c1 AnnieBooCool
* pushing review button*
8/5/2014 c1 YOLOgirl
Oh my gosh, I never thought that might happen. Why would Piper say that? Oh well, she's better and different than other Aphrodite children, and Camp Jupiter does need Jason.
6/24/2014 c1 amyheroesofolympus
4/23/2014 c1 Maddie Mackenzie
Love this
8/31/2013 c1 azix
please where's the next chapter
7/26/2013 c1 4Demigod-05
I love this so*begins to sob* damn much... I need you to do me one huuuuuuuuuuuge favour and make a sequel,
I will cry and cry until u finally do
1/27/2013 c1 3Hunter of Artemis 140
Great job! Really cute!
1/13/2013 c1 AMmy15WiseGirl
Hey newest author of 2013 im gonna finish up signing up but thats my author name im writing my own stories on paper anyways great job I was very sad but u r right if u love someone enough then u would let that person fly away or go I luuuuve it
11/19/2012 c1 LOVE.TO.DAY.DREAM.15
oh my god, your story is soo sad, oh and thanks for reviewing on my story! XD
11/12/2012 c1 1lilys-amortentia
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwww
11/12/2012 c1 Elle
This is a beautiful, poignant story. Thank you for writing.
11/12/2012 c1 25MoonlitSky321
Sad, yet a bit hopeful! (where did I read that before? :P)

I love it!
11/12/2012 c1 jennycyoon
...that hurt... i hate you right now. it didnt make me cry but i DID tear up a bit... hahaha ill admit that LOL
11/11/2012 c1 6The Goddess of Myths
Cute. Do you think the camps will settle their differences? I hope they do 'cause I'm a Percabeth and Jasper supporter, and I think that if the couples started families they would end up killed by monsters if they didn't live in Camp Jupiter...
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