Just In
for Silent Love

8/22/2020 c7 1AzureSkitty
great fic you have good writing flow for the most part, a sad but sweet story, got to the short chapter 7 and then was surprised to see this is actually unfinished as it is a good work

im not sure if its intentional but some of the longer paragraps with dialogue were a little hard to keep read, a suggestion would be sub paragraph breaks. if it however was due to formatting errors which are a nightmare, i sympathise
1/30/2013 c7 Schmetterlingseffekt
I love what Zaraki said about them being "Four hearts, two men and one soul." That was one of the most beautiful descriptions of these two that I have ever heard. My heart is saddened for them both, for Jusshin who is remembering only bits and pieces of his past, and for Shunsui being so close to Jushiro's reincarnation, and loving him and not being able to touch him or kiss him or hold him as he would like to. I can't wait to read the rest of this and I am hoping that they end up together! 3 -Sun
1/30/2013 c6 Schmetterlingseffekt
Another amazing chapter. I felt all throughout this chapter like I was Shunsui, I could feel the love and the heartache of both, the blushes and the rain, the skin on skin. I could even hear the rain and laughter, this is really an amazing story. I thank you so much for writing it! ((I also really hope that they get together finally...))
1/30/2013 c5 Schmetterlingseffekt
And now I am crying. :'(
1/30/2013 c4 Schmetterlingseffekt
AAAAHHHHHHH! Yay! 3 A reincarnated Jushiro, damn I am loving this.
1/30/2013 c3 Schmetterlingseffekt
3 I am dying of happiness... I love it buddy! -Sun
1/30/2013 c1 Schmetterlingseffekt
WHY! *cries* Jushi! /3 I love it though! -Sun
1/12/2013 c7 JuuxShun fan
Oh no. When you said you're sad, does this mean that this story is nearing its end? soon? :(
12/28/2012 c7 3sairypetshogun
I love it , but i think the idea of soul mates following each other is beautiful any way so this is especially beautiful
12/18/2012 c6 6blackbubbledancer
Beautiful :)
12/17/2012 c5 JuuxShun fan
Love it! Beautiful love story! Can't wait for the next chapters!
12/17/2012 c1 JuuxShun fan
So touching & heartbreaking :(
12/15/2012 c5 3sairypetshogun
Reading this chapter made me want to cry and smile at the same time because their places and times when you are with someone and you will swear on your soul it will be this way forever and at the time you truely believe that it will be forever . You captured that feeling perfectly i think the word i would use would be bitter sweet.
12/15/2012 c4 113satan-chillin
Yay! This is great. Continue. ;)
12/14/2012 c4 Destiny
I want this story to continue. I didn't expect things to get so intense so soon. The direction this story is going in is great!
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