Just In
for Until We Bleed

11/30/2012 c3 caught-offsides
interesting story, I hope youre planning on continuing!
11/19/2012 c3 6Rose Red217
This is such a unique story!

I love it.

Please continue soon.
11/18/2012 c3 paintmyworlddarkblue
Another good chapter. I really liked her name and the whole thing will the Gate of Hell and everything. I'm really into Greek mythology.
11/16/2012 c2 paintmyworlddarkblue
Like it so far. It's really intriguing. I am really curious to see how things go. It's really different from any other Band of Brothers fic I've read. It's dark but I like it. And Liebgott is one of my favorite people in BOB. I can't wait to read more, update soon
11/15/2012 c1 7vintagecowgirl101
This was the most emotional thing I've read. Really the best serious writing I've ever seen from you. I like how she embraced how she was living... not proud of it, but she doesn't hide it. Is this the beginning of Group Therapy, because I am completely ready to write for it! :)

Sorry I've been MIA... lots of not so good things are happening.

Lots of love,


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