7/21/2015 c2 bedazzledmusic
Onyx was misspelled. Is this an alternate universe fic? This fanfic shows promise!
Onyx was misspelled. Is this an alternate universe fic? This fanfic shows promise!
6/3/2014 c2 potterschick
This story was restarting really well. Not that I thought it was that bad the first time but it's definitely better. Why did you stop it?
This story was restarting really well. Not that I thought it was that bad the first time but it's definitely better. Why did you stop it?
11/18/2012 c1 7Sharnorasian Empire
Question will this still be a harry ginny eventual fic or someone else? Please noone else.
Question will this still be a harry ginny eventual fic or someone else? Please noone else.