Just In
for Letting Me Down

10/20/2013 c1 struggstofunc
8/14/2013 c1 Guest
this is suppose to be harry poter fic. stories, not about your personel life. leave the bastard and get on with your life.
11/19/2012 c1 Guest
Oh good god, I thought we were getting done with this anti R/Hr stuff. If you continue this please, please, please put it under just Hermione. Though you should have done that in the first place! Ron being abusive is the most absurd thing ever and just so stupid! lol about her thinking of her and Harry though, like that would be any better.. Passionless marriage..yay! lol anyone other than Ron for Hermione is just plain dumb and vice versa.. They only make sense with each other!
11/19/2012 c1 steve
so you just going to bash ron again, and what make you think harry would be any better, he was more mess up then ron ever was. and hermoine attack ron with birds, she would be the abuse one in a realationship.
11/19/2012 c1 Cat
I liked this. Go with full story. I'm sorry that this is so short but my toddler is sitting on me and trying to type for me. But I am dying to know what, if anything, Luna is plotting.
11/19/2012 c1 12NazChick
a very good story. maybe a few more chapters? i can't see this story being to long
11/19/2012 c1 14I'veMadeItMyOTP
FULL STORY! I loved this and can't wait to read more!
11/19/2012 c1 3TenderHooligan
your declaration that this story is not Ron!bashing might be more believable if you actually liked the Ron/Hermione pairing rather than stating your ships of choice as Hermione/Twins or Hermione/Draco. I mean why not use draco/hermione for this story since it's far more believable that draco would be abusive rather than ron (who has never physically harmed hermione. in fact, he's less abusive than both hermione AND harry in the books).

despite all this, you could maybe make a good story out of it, a sad one, but at least one believable and sensical. instead, you've filled it with cliches (ron losing his job, getting drunk beyond belief for no reason, hermione as a completely faultless victim) very common in these sorts of ron/hermione abuse stories and completely unoriginal (seriously, i feel like i've read this story 20 times before. they're all the same). you give no reason for ron's actions, no explanation for how or why he changed from the loving boy/man we see in the books, no meaning to his words that 'hermione ruined everything' and made him completely one-dimensional (there's no why, no motive, no explanation, not hint at what he's trying to do, his goals, etc.). you've completely villainized him and massacred his character, removing any trait remotely resembling ron except that he's married to hermione and his name is ron. that is bashing, plain and simple.

almost as bad is your portrayal of hermione. for one, i see no indication that hermione would put up with ron's behavior that lead to this abuse. she is very hard on ron, does not tolerate his poor behavior and pushes him to change/work harder/fix himself, and is quite eager to do so. and she's not helpless. now i don't want to be accused of blaming victims of assault, as it is obviously not hermione's fault 'ron' is a jerk (that's the author's fault), but she physically hit ron in DH and set canaries on him in HBP. she is not above getting violent herself when necessary, has shown herself capable of defending herself, and even expressed a willingness to act/attack first rather than wait around for something to happen to her. furthermore, it is unbelievable to me that hermione, with an extensive network of people who deeply care for her and would be willing and able to help her, would not tell anyone and believe that doing so would somehow make the situation 'worse.'

and finally, the shear coincidence of the intervention and arrest of ron due to luna 'having a feeling that hermione needed [her].' gag. at least make up some excuse why luna would be coming over to their house around that time. at least that would be remotely believable.

i'm sorry if this is harsh. i have no doubt that you are a skilled writer and can write great fanfic, but i have seen these ron!bashing (and hermione!bashing as well, really) stories far too often under the r/hr tag from people claiming they are not bashing ron and i am very tired of it. if that's the case, why not use a character that's actually believable of hurting/hating hermione like this? why not have ron be the one to step in and help her with the situation like he would based on how he's hermione's biggest protector/defender in the books? why not actually put the effort in to actually make the story believable and realistic rather than just make everyone grossly OOC? if it was theraputic for you to write, then i am glad you did if it helped. but judging it by fanfic standards, it needs a lot of work.

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