Just In
for Who am I?

3/18/2013 c4 4ArianandXaia
NIce chapter! I hope your hand is feeling better. Is the situation with your friend better? Good chapter! It had been so long that i forgot what happened in the story!

Can't wait until the next chapter!
11/26/2012 c3 ArianandXaia
Nice Chapter! Can't wait til the next.

It sounds really hard to not use the names of things. I had a hard time not using the name of a character from a Fan fiction I'm working on! That would be torture for me.


PS: Good luck on the Utopia project if t isn't already done!

Arian: hello Legend of Zelda is epic.
Xaia: no Pokemon is epic
Me: They're both epic
A/X: yeah...
Pikachu: PIKACHU!
11/20/2012 c2 3Nightly Vigilant
Amazing chapter! I love the details about Aura and obviously I love your poems. Update soon!
11/20/2012 c1 Nightly Vigilant
Great start so far! I'll be sure to keep this story on my watch list. :3
11/19/2012 c2 4ArianandXaia
That's kinda depressing. Stuck. In a glass dome. For all eternity. That also sounds incredibly boring from her point of view. She's as human as the rest of them!

Good chapter ! And nice Poems!

11/19/2012 c1 ArianandXaia
This is cool! I'm looking forward to the next chapter! This clever!

:) ArianandXaia:)

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