Just In
for Champion of Champions

9/5/2024 c49 2Inspired Soledad
Just did a full reread of this great story after years! I don't remember where I left off but still love every bit of it. I'm excited to see how Ash and Mays relationship grows as we approach what I assume to be the climax of the story and how the situation with the Legendary Pokémon pans out. Keep up the great work and I hope you are doing well!
8/2/2024 c45 2Ratatosk The Divine Demon
if no one else has said it, congradulations for sneaking in references to how to train your dragon and other franchise i wouldnt have noticed if i hadnt read other fanfiction that have had hiccup be a nickname and henry be the real name.
7/25/2024 c19 Guest
3/16/2024 c5 guest
will ash catches entei Lugia Raikou Cobalion, Terrakion Virizion Keldeo with permission?
2/3/2024 c49 Advanceshipping
thanks for the chapter :D
1/22/2024 c43 Gilgamesh50
Great Chapter i hope this doesnt become a ash help his gf become stronger fic
11/27/2023 c49 UXDZCVA
Just finished reading everything up to the current chapter. You've done a really good job. As painstaking and annoying it was to wait for Ash and May to finally get into a real relationship, it only made that point more satisfying, and I hope to see it as well during the league. I'd guess we're coming up on the climax of the story, and I'm excited to see what you have planned. I hope your health gets better and that you're enjoying life.
10/7/2023 c49 wolfstorm9876
love this story. thank yiu for updating it. glad you were able to update it. curious to see what happens next. will legendary pokemin help ash battle in the league?
9/24/2023 c1 midnightscar17
This reminds me of a different story
9/23/2023 c2 6Targetedandfiring
I remember years ago reading this fic. I freaking loved it at the time. did you recently start updating again? I think the last time I read this it was right after Ash's Vermillion City battle with Surge?
8/27/2023 c49 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
8/24/2023 c49 6Yaw6113
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
8/23/2023 c49 ItBredd
omg i remember reading this story several times over the years and i just came back today to read more fics after so long! this has made my day!
8/23/2023 c49 5The Man Known as nWore
Good to see you back, BT. And with 2 new chapters, great work.
8/15/2023 c47 Paul Ruth
Great story when r u planning on releasing the next chapter
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