3/10/2013 c1 omega2199
That. was. SO. FUNNY! Thanks for writing!
That. was. SO. FUNNY! Thanks for writing!
1/27/2013 c1 Guest
That was So funny please write more!
That was So funny please write more!
11/27/2012 c1 42nikitabella
:D This is hilarious! You fif a great job! And thanks for your review. You should totally continue this! :))
:D This is hilarious! You fif a great job! And thanks for your review. You should totally continue this! :))
11/24/2012 c1 Guest
Lol! Bunnies!
Lol! Bunnies!
11/24/2012 c1 Guest
Haha so FUNNY please write more
Haha so FUNNY please write more
11/24/2012 c1 Guest
Gross! Percy and Annabeth, having you know?
Gross! Percy and Annabeth, having you know?